About us

Organizational Background

The United Nations General Assembly declared 1981 to 1990 as the “Youth Decade” and designated 1985 as the “International Youth Year”. A massive campaign was carried out to involve youth in social development programs across the world, including Bangladesh.

Being inspired by spirit of the “International Youth Year: Participation, Development, Peace”, the Founder General Secretary and Chief Executive Md. Arifur Rahman encouraged and organized the local youth community with the aim of establishing a youth development organization in Sitakund Upazila under Chattogram district of Bangladesh.

On May 20, 1985, the youth organization “Young Power” was established which later became the social development organization “Young Power in Social Action (YPSA)” and began its course of participation in the development process.

Currently, as an organization for sustainable development, YPSA is continuously moving forward with its vision, mission, and values as per its strategic plan.


YPSA envisions a society without poverty where everyone’s basic needs and rights are ensured.


YPSA exists to participate with the poor and vulnerable population with all commitment to bring about their own and society’s sustainable development.

Type of Organization

YPSA is a voluntary, nongovernmental and nonprofit organization for sustainable development.

YPSA is registered with the different departments of the people’s republic of Bangladesh including NGO Affairs Bureau (NGOAB), Department of Social Welfare (DSW), Register of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) and Micro Credit Regulatory Authority (MRA).

Certificate of NGO Affairs Bureau

Certificate of Department of Social welfare Bangladesh

Certificate of Micro Credit Regulatory Authority

Certificate of Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms

Organizational Core Values

YPSA will live and its members of staff, volunteer and governance will be abided by the following common sets of beliefs and standards:

Patriotism and commitment to national interest, sovereignty and national pride: Patriotism and our national interests will be on top of all our concerns. In every sphere, national sovereignty and pride will be given priority over the interests on groups and individuals. We will also be respectful to and promote all the good elements of our culture.

Justice, transparency and accountability : We believe, the rich, poor, indigenous people, small occupational class, people with disability and human beings of all ages cannot be discriminated against on any ground, and all are entitled to equal justice and rights. We will remain transparent and accountable to our primary stakeholders and others concerned for the effectiveness of our work, and will maintain openness in our judgments and communications.

Mutual respect and gender friendliness : We recognize that each person is uniquely creative and we believe in human equality. We have mutual respect both for the people and for their environment. We believe that mutual respect leads to true participation, empowerment, motivation and commitment. YPSA’s organizational environment will be one of respect and gender equality where everyone will be considered as human beings not just men and women. Where necessary, we will discriminate in favor of women and girls to promote their rights.

Quality and excellence : We will strive for highest possible standards in our conduct and performance. This will require continual renewal and regeneration of the organization and our work. We believe that we should seek continual innovation and not be afraid of failures. To achieve quality and excellence we must be transparent and accountable, timely, cost-effective, and work in appropriate and manageable ways.

Humility and confidence : We will always be aware of our humility to the primary stakeholders of our work and other development players. We will be respectful and tolerant to the society, various views and creativity. To us every human being is special with some unique quality that deserves respect. Simultaneously, based on our experience, quality and commitment we will remain confident about taking sides with the poor and marginalized people.

Respect for diversity : We believe diversity is one of the common major characteristics in every society that paves the way for creativity. We will be respectful to the diversities with an effort to create and promote unity.

Support for environment and ecology : We believe for safe and healthy living good environment and ecology are indispensable. YPSA will actively take sides with all initiatives for the protection and betterment, and against any step towards degradation of the environment and ecology.

Organizational Culture

YPSA will maintain and promote some aspects of the organizational culture and try to include more elements to organizational culture to play a strong role in line with vision, mission and values. All members of staff, volunteer and governance of YPSA will be the key actors to achieve these. Some major aspects of our organizational culture include the following.

Family friendliness : We will remain a family friendly organization for our members of staff, volunteers, governance, and program participants. Efforts will continue to extend help of one to the other to overcome any problem in one’s family and, at the same time, we will share the happy times of everyone in relevant cases.

Being responsible and accountable : In all spheres – both inside and outside the organization – we will act responsibly and will remain accountable downwards (e.g. to the primary stakeholders), laterally (e.g. to our partners) and upwards (e.g. to our donors / funding agencies and the Government). We will help each other in the organization to be responsible and accountable.

Cost-effectiveness and cost-efficiency : We will maintain our attention to cost-effectiveness in all expenditures particularly the ones for the organization so that we can spend the maximum amount of resources directly for the programs. In program implementation we always try to be cost-efficient to give maximum services to our primary stakeholders with minimum resources. These will also help us gradually reduce dependency on donors and create sustainable impact in the lives of the poor and marginalized.

Constructive criticism and promotion of organizational profile : For all strategies, views and position of the organization and its members, YPSA will always encourage constructive criticism to get the best approach for its fight against poverty and marginalization. While being critical in the organization, all members will do their best to raise the profile of the organization in every activity and representation.

Peaceful co-existence of different race, religion and class : Over time, we have been able to create an environment in the organization that ensures peaceful co-existence of different race, religion and class (including occupational class). Everyone’s view is respected and an objective judgment is given to all. YPSA has been able to promote this cultural aspect among many of its primary stakeholder groups as well. These elements of our culture will be maintained and promoted.

Healthy recreation : Since inception YPSA has been trying to promote healthy recreation at different levels of the society. We will intensify our initiatives further to promote peaceful co-existence between different groups of people in the society, within the organization, and to focus on the various socio-economic issues affecting the lives of the people. This will also help us save the youth and adolescents stay away from the negative and destructive elements of life and society.

Organizational Governance

YPSA is governed by an Executive Committee consists of seven members and elected by general members
according to its constitution. The Executive Committee formulates the strategic directions and principles of the
organization and the Chief Executive conducts the overall management and representation of the organization.

Organisational Structure

As mentioned above, the organization has a 7-member Executive Committee, General Council, Advisory Council, full-time and part-time staff and Local – International Volunteers. The General Council, Executive Committee and Advisory Council members are from different professional background such as academician, business, development practitioners, journalism, researcher etc. The Member Secretary of the Executive Committee is the Chief Executive (CE) of the organization and conducts the overall management and representation of the organisation.

All staff members are guided by a Human Resource Policy / Service rule with salary structure and benefits and some other organisational policies and guidelines. To promote voluntarism and community participation, the organisation introduced a system of voluntary work like Development Internship for the students, Program / Issue / Area based volunteer / Change Maker development with specific objectives and for a certain period.

With in the Organizational Organogram , Under the Chief Executive there are four Directors – one for Field Operation / Social Development Division, one for Finance Division , One for Human Resource Management and Development Division and One for Micro Finance and Enterprise / Economic Development Division. Program Managers , Program Officers and Unit Chiefs are responsible for various programs or Projects implementation and report to the concerned Directors. Separate Internal Audit Team is responsible to ensure budgetary control and transparency through regular filed interventions and report to the Chief Executive.

Organizational Identity

YPSA’s aspired identity and roles are functions of its vision, mission and values as influenced by its understanding of poverty, vulnerability and marginalization and its root causes.

YPSA identifies itself as an inter-dependent but truly a Bangladeshi social development organization that focuses mainly on the South and South Eastern parts of the country (with special importance on the Chittagong Division , Chittagong Hill Tracts -CHT and coastal areas). YPSA, with a total commitment to the eradication of poverty in Bangladesh, will be rooted in the appropriate values and culture of the people in the country. Based on its own strengths and those of the networks and relations, YPSA will position itself as an active part of the global process of eradicating poverty and marginalization.

In line with its values, YPSA would like to be identified as a party-politically neutral organization . In other words, YPSA will not take sides of any political party or engage in promotion of any political party or their viewpoints. Neutrality in this context does not mean not engaging with ‘politics’, but it means engagement with relevant political processes over the issues identified by YPSA’s program participants as essential for eradication of poverty and establishment of people’s rights. It may be noted that, to YPSA, ‘politics’ refers to the processes and systems for distribution and control of resources.

YPSA will strive to be a bold organization in its position and expression necessary for poverty eradication and establishment of rights. Linked to this is its desire to have its influence , active network and relationships all over Bangladesh and abroad.

Organizational Role

First and foremost, YPSA considers its role as a facilitator in the process of poverty eradication and establishment of rights. This role of facilitator recognizes that the primary actors and stakeholders in the process of poverty eradication are poor , marginalized and vulnerable men, women, boys, girls and their communities. The facilitation role involves both proactive and reactive process of intermediation to expand choices at the disposal of poorest , marginalized and vulnerable men, women, boys and girls. This also implies not taking over the process but ensuring that the process moves forward in the desired direction by the people for whom we work.

A facilitator’s role does not mean that YPSA will not involve in direct implementation of development interventions. Where necessary, YPSA will play an active implementing role based on the actual needs but facilitation at different levels will remain a key to the process . Also, every direct implementation role will be aimed at enhancing the facilitator’s role in the future.

YPSA will also play the role of an advocate to influence public policy, attitude and practices in favor of poor, marginalized and vulnerable men, women, boys and girls. Based on the legitimacy provided by our mandate and commitment for eradication of poverty and marginalization together with our continual contact, relationship and experience with poor , marginalized and vulnerable men, women, girls and boys, YPSA will be able to represent their interest and carry out advocacy in favor of them. This will be the role of amplifying the voices of poor , marginalized and vulnerable people, and the organization’s role and type / process of engagement will vary depending on different contexts and situation as well as needs.

Geographical Coverage

At present YPSA’s direct program interventions reach in Greater Chittagong Division (including Chittagong Hill Tracts) and Dhaka District. Besides, YPSA doing country-wide and regional campaigning through its advocacy initiatives and joint program with grassroots NGOs, CSOs, CBOs and DPOs through its Networking & Strategic Linkage Unit. Currently YPSA is working for and with a total of 14 million (estimated) disadvantaged and vulnerable people.  See working area map








List of approved organizational manual /policies

  • Strategic Planning
  • Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual
  • Financial Policy and Procedure Manual
  • Procurement Policy
  • Travel Policy
  • Administrative Policy
  • Financial Contingency Policy
  • Child Safeguarding Policy
  • Gender Policy
  • Conflict of Interest Policy
  • Partnership Policy
  • Emergency Procurement Policy
  • YPSA Employees Contributory Provident Fund policy
  • YPSA Savings & Credit Manual
  • HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy
  • YPSA Contingency Plan (Disaster and Emergency Response)
  • Business Development Plan (BDP)
  • Smoke Free Guideline
  • Strategic plan on Ageing
  • IT & Data Privacy Policies and Procedures

Departments of YPSA

Social Development Department: All the social development interventions has been implementing by this department. Under this department there is Networking and Strategic Linkage Unit, which is responsible for maintaining communication and strategic relationship with Govt., Non-Govt. Organizations, Civil Society Organizations and support to different program of YPSA accordingly.

Economic Development DepartmentAll economic empowerment related programs like Micro Finance, Micro Enterprise, Livelihood Promotion, Value Chain Development, Micro Insurance, Social Business enterprises has been implementing under this department

Finance DepartmentFinance department is responsible for dealing with all finance related matters including
financial forecasting & analysis, Financial Control and Risk Management.

HRM &D and Admin DepartmentHuman Resource Management & Development and Admin department is responsible for staff recruitment, staff evaluation, staff management and take initiative for staff capacity development & coordinate admin related issues.

Knowledge Management for Development (KM4D) Division: The Knowledge Management for Development department comprises of research, monitoring & evaluation, documentation & publication and program development.

Human Resource

Nature of employment Total Male (58.07%) Female (41.93%)
Regular staff 512 422 91
Project staff 592 427 165
Teacher 179 54 125
Part time 58 26 32
Volunteer 1955 985 969
Total 3296 1914 1382


  • YPSA Center for Youth & Development (YPSA-CYD)
  • Human Resource Development Center (HRDC)
  • Evergreen International School (EIS)
  • ICT & Resource Center on Disabilities (IRCD)
  • YPSA Kazi para/ Alekdia Shishu Niketon
  • Shikor (Cultural Organization)
  • Development Resource Centre (DRC)
  • RADIO SAGOR GIRI FM 2- Community Radio
  • RADIO DWIP (Internet Radio)- Community Radio
  • YPSA Youth Empowerment and Skills Training Center
  • YPSA Inclusive Development Training Center (IDTC)


 YPSA-HRDC, Sitakund, Chattogram
 YPSA- HRDC, Cox’s Bazar
 YPSA- HRDC, Kawkhali, Rangamati

Major Awards and Recognition of YPSA

  • International Youth Peace Prize IYPP 1999
  • National e-Content and ICT4D champion Award 2010 for DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) for all in Social Inclusion and participation categories. YPSA also awarded Special Mention award For Ship Breaking in Bangladesh web portal (www.shipbreakingbd.info) under e- enterprise and livelihood categories from D.Net in association with Ministry of Science and ICT, Government of Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh.
  • Winner at the Regional Grant Competition 2013 ‘Youth Solutions Technology for Skills and Employment’, organized by The World Bank, Microsoft Sri Lanka and Sarvodaya-Fusion.
  • The Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) Awards. The Awards Ceremony took place during the Internet Governance Forum in Istanbul, Turkey 2 Sep 2014.
  • International Excellence Award, 2015, London Book Fair (LBF), UK
  • Henry Viskardi Achievement Award, USA – 2016
  • Zero project award for Innovation of Policies and Practices on inclusive education-2016
  • BECON Award 2017: Shining Light of Good Practice
  • Zero project award for Innovative practice on inclusive finance – 2017
  • Best Social Development Organization award by Ministry of Social Welfare, 2018
  • “Bangladesh NGO Foundation Award” as recognition of the contribution to achieving sustainable development goal, 2018
  • UNESCO/Emir Al Ahmad al Jaber Prize for Digital Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, 2018
  • Best migration services organization-2018 award
  • Tobacco-Control Award-2019, Institution Category
  • Two micro-entrepreneurs of YPSA win 14th Citi Micro entrepreneurship Award 2019
  • Zero Project Award 2020 for Capacity Building Activities for the Production of Books in Accessible Formats.
  • Champion of WSIS Prizes 2021 for Empowering women with disabilities through market-driven ICT
    training and accessible information
  • Zero Project Award 2022 for YPSA’s work to create Bangladesh’s 1st Inclusive University (University of

The YPSA Logo

Logo of YPSAThere are four distinct parts in the logo of YPSA. The centre with one woman, one man and one child is the symbol of different parts of population, and of gender, equality and co-existence of generations. They are holding hands of each other symbolizing organized strength, mutual cooperation, relationships between different parts of community, unity, and networking. It also symbolizes a planned family.

The sun and its rays indicate unified and integrated work, and interim results towards achieving YPSA’s goals. YPSA emerged as a social force through united and integrated efforts to eliminate injustice and oppression in the society. Social problems reduced through planned and collaborative efforts is symbolized by the white portion after the ray of the sun . This part also stands for optimism.

Current social injustice and oppression are indicated by the dark parts of the logo. One part stands for the problems created at the local level while the other for the problems created by the policies and activities at national and international levels affecting people’s life, livelihoods and society.

YPSA’s position is in the white part of the logo where its blue colour symbolizes depth and sublimity. In every sphere, the organization positions itself on the basis of in-depth observation, participation and sustainability.