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Leadership Development Program (LDP) is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development through Counterpart’s Global Civil Society Strengthening Leader with Associates (GCSS LWA). Aiming to increase citizens’ capacity and participation in community development and democratic processes whereby every leaders both community and youth play as change agents for the society. Keeping the sense above Leadership Development Program is playing a vital role providing training to leaders from the community. There have already been conducted nine days training dividing two parts at community level and youth level on various issues. Firstly, we trained up 1134 leaders (567 Youth and 567 Community) and finally it was 1074 due to drop out of various reasons.
Leaders both community and youth are applying their knowledge in their daily life and arranging encouragement program at community level like Observing various national days and take various initiatives on local need base. They have successfully completed several activities with the help of LDP official personnel. Some remarkable activities which have already completed at community level are human chain on embankment reconstruction, eve teasing, early marriage protection, reduction of women discrimination and drainage network development.
So, therefore, Leadership Development Program (LDP) is multidimensional program which is a scope of learning knowledge on different sector e.g. social development, planning process etc. Leaders both community & youth are being benefited in different sectors. So, therefore it strongly believes this knowledge can easily change the society. They are not now static, they are more active. Every leader can work as change maker.
The goal of the Leadership Development Program is to increase capacity and participation of citizens to effectively and actively engage in democratic processes and to enhance community development. This goal is framed by two integrated programmatic objectives: (1) to build the capacity of community leaders to become change agents for democratic processes and development; and (2) to build the capacity of youth to become change agents for democratic processes and development. Ensuring equal gender participation, LDP will work to identify the barriers of women’s active participation and undertake every opportunity to ensure gender equity.
Duration: November, 2013 to September, 2014 ( First Phase)
October, 2014 to September, 2015 (Second Phase)
- Building the capacity of community leaders to become change agents for democratic processes and development, and increasing the capacity of youth to do the same.
- Livelihoods and economic development of stakeholders
- Increases the services on nutrition, health and humanitarian services
- Government and civil society strengthening.
Location & Target Coverage in First Phase:
Beneficiary/TG coverage | ||||||
Name of District | Name of Upazila | No. of union/Ward | Categories | Direct | Indirect | Total |
Chittagong | Sitakund | 07 unions and 63 wards | Male | 471 | 1800 | 2271 |
Female | 663 | 1600 | 2263 | |||
Total | 1134 | 3400 | 4534 |
Major Activities:
There have already been conducted nine days training dividing two parts at community level and youth level on various issues. Also conducted some none training activities;
Training for Community Leaders:
- Two days training on Appreciative Inquiry for Community Leaders
- Three days training on Participatory Community Appraisal for Community Leaders
- Two days training on Community Development Issues and Initiatives for Community Leaders
- Two days training on Democracy and Good Governance for Community Leaders
Training for Youth Leaders;
- Two days training on Appreciative Inquiry for Youth Leaders
- Three days training on Youth Action and Advocacy for Youth Leaders
- Two days Training on Youth Informed Citizenship for Youth Leaders
- Two days Training on Leadership and Communications for Youth Leaders
Other strategic activity at community level
However, we also conduct other strategic activity at community level as;
- Conducted service and governance monitoring tools at community level using Community Score Card Methods in each union
- Advocacy meeting at union level
- Facilitated UP standing committee activation at each union
- Observed International Women’s Day and International Youth Day
- Facilitated holding Open Budget meeting at two unions
- Facilitated holding Tax Fair at six unions
- Organized meeting to form Ward level Development Forum
- Organized meeting to form Union level Development Forum
- Best Practice Sharing and Future Planning
- Awareness raising on development issues through cultural performances in all unions
- Exposure visit within area and outside area
- Facilitated internship Opportunities at YPSA on 12 youth leaders.
- Participated National Youth Fair at Chittagong
Community Initiatives:
- After receiving training leaders have taken various initiatives on their community as;
- Human Chain on Reconstruction of Coastal Dam at Banshbaria, Sitakunda, Chittagong
- Human Chain on Coastal Embankment Reconstruction at Sonaichhari Union, Sitakunda
- Human Chain and Discussion for Preventing on Child Marriage and Dowry System at Syedpur Union, Sitakunda, Chittagong
- Discussion, Rally and human chain on Preventing Domestic Violence Against Women and Eve Teasing, Baraidhala,
- Rally and Human chain for Preventing Eve-teasing and Domestic Violence against women at Barabkunda Union, Sitakunda
- Discussion and Campaign for increasing Youth Employment Opportunity at Muradpur Union, Sitakunda
- Tree Plantation at Sonaichhari Union
- Tree Plantation at Banshbaria Union
- Religious Education Enhancement Program at Kumira Union
- Establishment of Women Prayer Environment in Mosque at Kumira Union
- Reconstruction of Village Road at Kuira Unnion
- Signature Campaign on preventing early marriage and dowry system by Sayedpur Union Leaders
- Establishment of Bamboo Made Club by Kumira Youth Leaders
- Supply Hand Gloves in Industries and Manufactory by Kumira Youth leaders
- Establishment of Youth Club for Social Development at Kumira Union
- Bring Political Harmony through Iftar Party at Banshbaria
- Setup Suggestion Box in five Union Parishad and a School for better services.
Activities in Second Phase
After the successful completion of first phase, Counter Part International has been selected YPSA for the second phase of LDP from October, 2014 to September, 2015. In this second phase, YPSA will selected 1512 Youth leaders (605 of whom must be female) and 1512 Community leaders (605 of whom must be female) in 18 Union Parishad’s of Ramu upazila of Cox’s Bazar, Sitakunda & Mirsharai upazila of Chittagong and Comilla South Sadar upazila of Comilla district under Chittagong division. The 3024 total participants (1210 of which must be female) will be selected by the YPSA utilizing a transparent process with Union Parishads in order to meet with local formal and informal leaders, through an open call for participation, or other means any and all of which must be approved by Counterpart prior to.
A total of 84 youth leaders and 84 community leaders (34 female in each categories) will be selected in each of the union of Sitakunda Upazila which means total of 1512 youth leaders and 1512 community leaders will be selected. As part of the activity, setting participants selection criteria, development of participant selection guideline, development of appropriate tools and orientation to the project staffs will be accomplished.
Location in Second Phase
District | Upazila | Union |
Chittagong | Sitakund | Salimpur, Bhatiari and Follow up area |
Mirsarai | Wahedpur, Mayani, Khaiyachhara, Saherkhali | |
Comilla | Comilla Sadar South | East Jorekanan, West Jorekanan, Galiara, Chouara, Bholain North, Bagmara |
Cox’s Bazar | Ramu | Chakmarkul, Kower Khop, South Mithachhari,Fatekharkul, Joarianala, Rashid Nagar |
Planned Activities
YPSA will undertake the following activities:
- Identify and train a total of 1512 youth leaders (605 of whom must be female) and 1512 community leaders (605 of whom must be female)
- Conduct three phased trainings for Youth Leaders on:
- Phase 1: 1.a) Appreciative Community Mobilization by Jan-Feb, 2015
Phase 1: 1.b) Youth Action and Advocacy by Mar-April, 2015
- Phase 2: Youth Informed Citizenship by May-June, 2015
- Phase 3: Leadership and Communications by July-August, 2015
- Conduct three phased trainings for Community Leaders on:
- Phase 1: 1.a) Appreciative Community Mobilization by Jan-Feb, 2015
Phase 1: 1.b) Participatory Community Appraisal by Mar-April, 2015
- Phase 2: Community Development Issues and Initiative by May-June, 2015
- Phase 3: Democracy and Good Governance by July-August, 2015
Conduct meetings with sub-national governance structures in order to facilitate an avenue for Youth and Community leaders to more effectively engage in the sub0national governance structures. These are community events, advocacy meetings, Day observations, forum formation (Ward, Union, Upazila level), best practice sharing and future planning, facilitate and monitor grants initiatives.
Outcome through the Department of Youth Development activities
YPSA will train 1512 youth leaders with aiming to receiving different subjective training and getting opportunities from the Department of Youth Development on the other hand. It is highly expected that youth leaders will be able to create another network receiving training, loan and technical support and initiatives. Youth will get opportunities to present in different seminar, symposium, youth fair, youth day observation which will assist them to create strong network.
Outcome from sub-national governance activities
It is expected that community and youth leaders under LDP will have to introduce with other government and non-government official during performing taken any initiative.
Outcome from other Strategic Activities: New Area
Beside of training, there will be conducted other strategic activities like Facilitate holding open budget/tax fair. This activity will conduct by the leaders with the consent of UP bodies. So, it is expected that by this activity leaders will able raise their local needs and demands and aftermath UP bodies will able to make a balanced budget and development plan.
Observe International Human Rights Day/International Women’s Day/National Youth Day/ World Environment Day/International older day. These activities will observe by the leaders in accordance with program personnel. Here some national and international day are proposed to observe from this program, which has close relevance with the youth and communities and ultimate program goals and objectives.
Development Forum Formation (ward, union, upazilla level): These forums will be organized from the bottom cluster of local government as ward to upazilla level. These forums will be forms as service based as farmer forum, teacher forum, student forum and as well. By this forum we expect that they will act as an agent of change in their locality for regular or special circumstances.
Awareness rising on development issues through cultural performances: YPSA-LDP team will form a dynamic cultural team on the base of their own resources. YPSA-LDP cultural team will be scaled up through more orientation or trainings, so that they can conduct street performances at the ward level on various baring issues concerning community and national development, such as Domestic violence, Dowry system, Transparency, Drug abuse, Anti corruption and good governance at the local level.
Exposure visit: Exposure visit are amazingly effective way to share and know success stories personally. YPSA will conduct two types of exposure visit as within area and outside area. These visits may change leader’s perceptions and create a positive attitude. At the same time commitment will be enhanced. However, by sharing ldp knowledge to others are trying to contribute to their community and the national as a whole.
UP Orientation on UP Functions (selected unions): Union Parishad is one of the most important parts of this program. By this activity we will orient local UP bodies and share their functioning. Through this activity, it will easy to create a bridge between program personnel and UP bodies. Aftermath we can easily make some advocacy in UP on Democracy and Good Governance.
Follow up Activity at Sitakund working area
Beside of training, there will be follow up some activity at year-2 geographies as;
Advocacy meeting on Local Need based issues: This activity will follow up at year-2 geographies, which will be conduct by our leaders. Many situations may rise which may require having advocacy with the respective authorities. For example: Advocacy for ward meeting, open budget at the union level.
Facilitate Internship Opportunities at USAID and Other Development Projects: YPSA will facilitate internship opportunity at follow up areas. By this opportunity respective intern will get chance on increase their capacity development, professionalism and ultimately make a clear ahead in professional carrier also can act as a agent of development.
Best Practice Sharing meeting once in year: Keeping various aspects and lesson in mind YPSA will organize a yearly sharing meeting at Upazila level at follow up area. In this event we will try to showcase program successes, challenges we faced during this period of time. Aftermath, leaders will find best solution for solving critical issues in community.
Day Observation: At follow up area leaders will observe two international days, which was match with program goals and objective also may consider local issues.
Open budget, Tax fair and Exposure visit: At follow up area leaders will make advocacy for organize or participates open budget, tax fair in each union. Also leaders are combine a exposure visit will be occur for best learning and sharing from this project at follow up area. By this activity it will ensure good governance at community level also peoples are aware on their rights and responsibility.
Grant initiatives
YPSA awards this grant agreement based on systematic selection process for small/policy grants recipient for implementation of their community development initiative/s. These grants will award in two groups in community one is community grants for community leaders and another one is policy grants for youth leaders. By these grants community leaders and youth leaders are played a vital role in community development also develop need base policy formation.
Event news
Leaders Convention held at 17 Unions and 3 Upazila
National Dialogue on “Development of Social Leadership at Local Level & Sustainable Development” held
Round table meeting with Daily Prothom Alo held
YPSA provides ICT training to 210 youth leaders in Ramu, Siakund and Mirsarai
YPSA observes National Youth Day 2015
YPSA-Leadership Development Program team was awarded by Counterpart International
YPSA successfully completed training workshop on “Appreciative Youth and Community Leadership” for the 60 batch trainees
7 union development forum established at Sitakund
10 orientation workshops on Leadership Development Program held at Cox’sbazar and Chittagong
Appreciative Youth Leadership Training in Mirsarai held
USAID team visits YPSA
Union Parishad Orientation on local leadership development held in Mirsarai
Training on Youth and Community Leadership through Appreciative Inquiry held
TOT on Appreciative Community and Youth Leadership held at Sitakund
Jesmin Akter of YPSA honored as “Joyeeta Woman”