Bio of Mohammed Arifur Rahman

Md. Arifur RahmanMohammed Arifur Rahman is the Chief Executive of Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) a registered non-government nonprofit voluntary organization for sustainable development, of which he was  founder back in 1985 (UN International Youth Year). In different capacities, he has been engaged with various Local, National & International development Forum, advocacy and networking initiatives since long.

He is active member of General Council of Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF), Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) , Bangladesh CSO NGO Coordination Process , Campaign for Good Governance (SUPRO), Program with and for Youth Network (PROYOUTH Network) , NFOWD (National Forum of Organizations working with the Disabled), BATA (Bangladesh Anti Tobacco Alliance), Cox’sbazar CSO NGO Forum (CCNF), Chittagong Society for the Disabled (CSD) , Association for Development Agencies in Bangladesh (ADAB), NGO Alliance of Chittagong (NAC) , Enterprise Development Forum Chittagong (EDFC)  and is leading the different social development organizations and networks in Chittagong Region. A Government license holder as an Amateur (HAM) Radio Operator (with the call sign S21AV), he has played a major role during frequent natural disasters in the south east coastal regions of Bangladesh. He is the Chief Organizer of the RADIO SAGOR GIRI FM99.2– first Government approved community radio station located in Sitakund costal area of Chittagong.

Arif and YPSA was one of the first responded local organization during the Rohingya influx has started in August 2017 and successfully completed various life saving humanitarian emergency projects and services. Till now various humanitarian services are implementing with and for the Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN) and Local Host communities at Cox’sbazar and Vhasanchor at Noakhali in Bangladesh with the support of Bangladesh Government, UN Agencies and INGOs.

Arif and his organization is playing a key role in making the ship breaking industry in Bangladesh environmentally safe, and a safe working place for its thousands of workers. YPSA is the Focal Organization for the DAISY ( Digital Accessible Information System ) and taking lead role in Bangladesh to produce digital contents for the visually challenged and print disabled people . YPSA is the active partner of different development projects which are supporting by Government of Bangladesh , UN Agencies, Bilateral donors and various INGOs since long . YPSA An organization in special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC).

Arif Completed his Master of Social Science (MSS) in Political Science from Chittagong University and Master in Governance Studies (MGS) from Department of Political Science ,Dhaka University. Presently he is pursuing PhD on Inclusive development at Techno India University (TIU).  He was a cadet of Bangladesh National Cadet Core BNCC. Arif writes in different newspapers & development publications as a freelance writer & presently serves as the Chief Editor of “Social Change” (an ISSN registered print and online based Development Journal).

Arif visited several countries to attend and represents at official meeting, International conference, seminar, workshop and training programs. Countries, which he visited so far  are; India, Nepal, Macao, Hong Kong, Singapore, Switzerland, France, Portugal, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Scotland, Japan, China, Tunisia, USA, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Thailand , Australia, Turkey, Austria , Indonesia etc.

Arif receives different awards and fellowships in recognition of his activism and contribution at the social development field like Legislative Fellowship from Department of State , USA , Eisenhower Fellowship from USA , eNGO award from India etc.

Social development researcher Dr. Shamsun Nahar Chowdhury (LOPA) is the wife of Arif and they have two lovely and bright kids . Afra Nawar Rahman( 17+) is the daughter reading in A Level and Abrar Khalil Rahman ( 12+) is the Son reading in class Six both at International Hope School Bangladesh Chattogram .

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