Development Initiative for Social Change (DISC)

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Child Rights Week
Disability Convention
Disability Convention
Disability Convention
Disability Convention
Disability Convention

Project Title: Development Initiative for Social Change (DISC)

Donor: Action aid Bangladesh

Goal: To increase the responsibility & accountability of the local government by organizing Person with Disabilities and establishing their rights through ensuring demand-based services.


  • To ensure Social Rehabilitation of Person with Disabilities (PWDs).
  • To organize poor people (with PWDs) to enhance their empowerment. Strengthening Civil Society to enlarge the constituency in favor of poor people.
  • To raise the awareness of the general population on PWDs & their rights’ through a Cultural Campaign.
  • To improve transparency, accountability & responsiveness of the local government with increased capacity among the public representatives – especially UP female members in favor of PWDs.

Duration: 2001-2011

Location & Target Coverage:

Area Coverage

Area Coverage

Name of District Name of Upazila/Thana No. of  union/Ward No. ofVillage /Mahalla/Para Categories Direct Indirect Total



Sitakund Upazilla 


Sitakund PowrashavaSayedpurBaraydala






   -9 Wards-12 Village—12 Village

—14 Village

—13 Village

—12 Village

—10 Village

—10 Village

Male 500 1975 2575
Female 350 2290 2640
child Disable- 450Sponsor child -850 1200 2375
Total 2150 5465 7590



With the assistance of Action Aid Bangladesh, YPSA conducted a house hold survey (1998) depicts that around 17.72 % person with disabilities lives in the Sitakund.  From 1999 YPSA started to operate different community based development programs.  In that time observed that People with disabilities are deprived in the society and they did not claim their rights.

Having more findings and community needs from 2001 thematically the issue of disability had been identified and DISC Program started it journey. As Sitakund Upazilla is a place with people with higher rate disability, it was decided to include this vulnerable segment of people with all development initiatives.

Activities Reports:

Major Activities Target 09-10 Achievement 09-10 Cumulative Achievement from the beginning
1.Right to Work (Employment) # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
IGA Training for Person with disabilities 01 10 02 34 5 82
Support to Person with disabilities for small Entrepreneurship business. 00 05


07 00 40
Advocacy meeting with existing industries and other Companies owners for Person With Disabilities Employment. 01 30 01 35 00 08 People with disabilities  are doing job
Computer Training for Young Person with disabilities from YPSA ICT centre 00 04 00 05 00 24
Received Government Safety net
Soft Loan 00 00 00 10 00 25
Disability Allowance (Bhata) 00 00 00 60 00 150
Blood Grouping 00 00 02 160 00 250
Certificate 00 00 01 91 00 195
Major Activities Target 09-10 Achievement 09-10 Cumulative Achievement from the beginning
2. Right to Education # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
 Continuous  Education scholarship 01 15 01 16 00 105 student
Support to admission in the school for students with disabilities. 10 11 115 children with disabilities
 Campaign on Disable friendly school.(Ramp, Teachers/Students/SMC Orientation etc) 2 200 2 291 4 800
Organize a Sharing meeting and orientation  with education officers and teachers 2 45 2 55 8 480


Major Activities

Target 09-10

Achievement 09-10

Cumulative Achievement from the beginning.

3. Women with Disability Rights # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
Income generate activities training for WWDs 01 20 01 24 4 78
Small Grant for women with disabilities 00 05


04 00 32
To Formulate a rights based organization by the  women with disability 05 85 04 80 05 105
Training on Leadership and Human rights for women with disability organization members. 01 30 02 39 4 120
Girls Club Initiative 02 100 02 120 2 120


Major Activities

Target 09-10

Achievement 09-10

Cumulative Achievement from the beginning.

4. Participation in the Local Power Structure (UP) & Access to Government Facilities # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
 Support to Person with disabilities representatives to be candidate next UP election. 01 25 03 150 03 150
Announced open Yearly UP budget. 04 800


1062 Every Year  DISC program organized Budget and Public hearing program
Public Hearing 02 400 02 500
Advocacy meeting & Workshop/Orientation with Union Parishad to involved the person with disabilities in UP Steering committee. 02 55 03 105 Local Government representative and Government officers are all most same every year meeting and workshop.


Major Activities Target 09-10 Achievement 09-10 Cumulative Achievement from the beginning
5. Rights to organize & Freedom # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
 Organized and Support to  Self-Help Org. of Person with disabilities & regular activities 40 600 45 720 45 720
Leadership Devent. Training for self-half org. 02 50


47 8 220
Organize an upazilla convention & formulate Upazilla Committee by the all Self-org members. 01 600 01 900 03 1000 ( All participants are  Self- help- org members who are participate every year)
To organize orientation on UNCRPD along with  Rights Based Approach (RBA) training for self-half org. members 02 50 02 55
To observe National and International Disability day, the World Day. 02 400 02 550


Major Activities Target 09-10 Achievement 09-10 Cumulative Achievement from the beginning
6 .Rights to Mobility & Accessibility # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
 Assistive device distribution 02 10 02 12 00 122
Training on Mobility and Independent living 01 22 01


2 40
Major Activities Target 09-10 Achievement 09-10 Cumulative Achievement from the beginning
7.Rights to Health service # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
Providing Primary Rehabilitation Therapy(PRT) for  Person with disabilities in Center (Average in a month ) 00 25 00 19 00 192
Providing Primary Rehabilitation Therapy(PRT) for  Person with disabilities in field ((Average in a month ) 00 15


32 00 140
 Support to Person with disabilities & poor peoples for treatment & Surgical operation 00 10 00 09 00 106
Organized Sharing meeting & make action plan about health facilities for Person with Disable with existing upazilla health complex Task force. 01 25 01 22 03 60
To arrange Satellite clinic for children with disabilities & sponsor children, there families & poor 00 00 48 672 1205 children and 2039 people


Major Activities Target 09-10 Achievement 09-10 Cumulative Achievement from the beginning
8. Disaster & Disability # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
Training on Disaster for self-half Organization members 01 25 01 29 4 126
Orientation on Disaster & Disability for Local Volunteer (Red Crescent & others Volunteers) 02 40 01 21 5 130


Major Activities Target 09-10 Achievement 09-10 Cumulative Achievement from the beginning
9. Rights to participatesports & cultural activities and Media # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
Organize sports & cultural competition for the Person with Disable in upazilla level & encourage them to participant in district & national level. 02 300 02 365 6 400 (All participants are  participate every year)
Support to the local Youth Club on different cultural activities & sports competition. 04 200



00 00
Orientation on the Rights of Person with disabilities for Local Journalist. 01 25



02 40


Major Activities Target 09-10 Achievement 09-10 Cumulative Achievement from the beginning
10. Yes to Child Rights # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
a) Shishu Mela / Child space 06 800 06 837 (All children  are  participate every year)
Child space Pre-schooling 06 200 06 220 06 450
b) Guardian Meeting at child space. 36 1800 30 1800 (All children  are  participate every year)
Observe child rights week 01 120 01 450 every year DISC program  Observe child rights week
Support to Sponsorship children for education 00 05 00 05 35 sponsor child
Educational materials for sponsor children 00 500 00 420 Every year DISC provide Educational materials for sponsor child


Major Activities Target 09-10 Achievement 09-10 Cumulative Achievement from the beginning
11. Sponsor ship # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
Total sponsor child 00 397 00 397 Every times same person
New Child History and Photo collection 550 550 550
Update Child History and Photo collection 397 397 397
Child massage collection- 00 397 00 397 Every times same person
Dropout sponsor child 00 58 00 78 185
Sponsorship related orientation 02 50 03 65
Educational Support to Sponsor children 00 400 00 400 Every year DISC provide Educational materials for sponsor child
Community Sensitization  & Sponsorship PPRP 04 100 04 116
Community Journalist Group Meeting 04 15 04 52 Every times same person
Community Journalist Group Training / Workshop 01 15 01 14


Major Activities Target 09-10 Achievement 09-10 Cumulative Achievement from the beginning
12. REFLECT # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
# of REFLECT 06 75 07 105 10 150
# Meeting with Guardian and Community 10 150 30 450 50 750
# of Refreshers 04 10 03 10 10 10


Major Activities Target 09-10 Achievement 09-10 Cumulative Achievement from the beginning
13. Jonokendra # Of Event Total Participants # Of Event Total Participants
# Of Event Total Participants
# of  Jonokendra 02 150 02 220 DO
# of Day Observation 02 200 06 400 Every Year observe
# IGA Training 00 00 02 33 6 106
# of removing domestic violence meeting 00 00. 02 00
# of   Meeting 12 150 08 170 DO Every Year

Future plan:

YPSA believes that every People have equal rights on the society. To ensuring their rights this year’s DISC implement priority based previous year on going some activities and including new following these program: Provide Income Generate Training from YPSA and different institution for their self employment. Support loan for small Entrepreneurship business. Support to admission in the School for 20 Student with disabilities and Support educational materials 850 sponsor children.  Support to2 girls Club for different initiatives. Support to Person with disabilities representatives & women to be candidate next UP election. Support to Self-Help Org. of Person with disabilities for their regular activities (45 SHO’s) and formulate new SHO’s. Afford different kinds of 4 orientation and training for increasing disable people leadership. Organize an upazilla convention by the all Self-org members & form a new upazilla committee Give Primary rehabilitation therapy. Support for surgical treatment. REFLECT & Disability Circles implementations. Organize sports & cultural competition for the Person with Disable in upzilla, district & national level. Support to the Sitakund community journalist group. YPSA hopes that without barriers if we implement these activities this year then Person with disabilities is to be committed to ensuring their rights.