Ensuring access to safe, equitable, inclusive learning opportunities for adolescents and youth in Rohingya camps and host communities

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Children in Life Skill Training session
Practical training session
Women in Skill development workshop
Products made by trainees.
Product making session
Handicrafts making session
Recovery session for absent participants
Training participants are working in a Practical session

Project Name: Ensuring access to safe, equitable, inclusive learning opportunities for adolescents and youth in camps and host communities creating a pathway towards sustainable solutions to self-reliance.

Supported by: Save the Children

Funded by: Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM), USA Government

Working Areas:

Rohingya Camps:  7, 9, 10, 15, and 21, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar.

Host Community:   Ukhiya and Teknaf Upazilla.

Targeted Participants for 1st year:

Child Protection sector:  1135 Individual

FSL (Food Security and Livelihoods) Sector: 770 Individual

Duration of the project: 30 September 2023 to 29 September 2024.

Program Goal:

The overall goal of this program is to improve the protection, wellbeing and development of adolescents and youth of Rohingya and Host communities through integrated, safe, and Accountable delivery of education, child protection, livelihoods, and skills development services.


Objective 2: Empower children and adolescents from Rohingya and Host communities to Mitigate child protection (CP) risks and access essential protection services.

Objective 3: Increase access to skills, knowledge, and assets to facilitate transition of adolescents and youth into safe and dignified livelihoods.

Main Activities for CP (Child Protection) :

  1. Adolescent led initiatives (e.g., day observation)
  2. Training for adolescents on Life Skills (each year new batches)
  3. Gender segregated Protective Behavior training for adolescents (each year new


  1. Participation of adolescents through common platform – Adolescent club
  2. Formation and functioning of 15 CBCPC
  3. Formation and capacity enhancement of parents/ caregivers’ groups
  4. Training for parents/caregivers on parenting without violence
  5. Awareness session with Families, caregivers, and community members on protection concern and messaging.
  6. Sensitizing families, caregivers, and community members on special protection concerns related to gender and disability
  7. Cross visit and joint meetings between adolescents
  8. Sports tournament with compound team (Rohingya and Host mix)

Main Activities for FSL (Food Security and Livelihoods) :

  1. Establishment, repair, and maintenance skills/livelihood Training Centers following accessibility consideration in camps.
  2. Conduct Skill training on selected trades in camps.
  3. Provide basic literacy and numeracy training in camps.
  4. Provide Life skill training as per SC’s LS4S approach in camps.
  5. Conduct Employability training.
  6. Input distribution for the graduated participants in camps.
  7. Demonstration support for the on-farm participants in Camps.
  8. Awareness session with the parents, in-laws, and husbands, including intergenerational dialogue in both camps
  9. Conduct couple session for women participants who are married in Camps.
  10. Facilitate courtyard session led by male champions in camps.
  11. Establish ‘Child safe place/khela ghor’ in camps and host communities for young women with childcare responsibilities who are engaged in skills training and livelihoods
  12. Community fairs to showcase products developed by youth.