From the Secretariat of the
Chief Executive
Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is a non-profit nonpolitical voluntary organization, was established in 1985 at Sitakunda Sadar in Chattogram district on the eve of International Youth Year declared by the United Nations. Since its inception, YPSA has been striving to achieve the vision and mission of the organization by continuously participating in various creative and innovative programs based on the needs of the community and in coordination with the Government comprehensive development plan.
In these three eras of development journey, YPSA achieved registration of various Governmental, Non-Governmental and International Organizations. At the same time, organization have worked for the sustainable development of the targeted population with the gaining support and loyalty of Government and donors. In recognition of social development efforts, YPSA has recognized and awarded by local, national and international organizations at several times.
YPSA believes that the support and collaboration will continue to achieve the rights of the poor, vulnerable and disadvantaged people, for building a developed Bangladesh and the world of equity. I would like to thank all the members, staffs, volunteers of YPSA and the targeted community, Government and development partners for sincere cooperation and support. We hope your support and cooperation will be continued.
Best Regards,
(Md. Arifur Rahman)
Chief Executive, YPSA