Livelihood development program for elderly people

Duration of Project:  July-2017 to present

Supporting Partner PKSF

Working area:

Name of District Name of Upazila/ Thana Number of Union
Chattogram Sitakund Soyedpur-Sitakund
  Sandwip Muchapur, Powrashava – Sandwip


Goal and Objective of Project:

To increase awareness and support to the elderly people for build up a living standard on poverty-free social dignified, safety, healthy and active.

Participants/ target People (with no of each population group):

Direct: Soyedpur- 1648 elderly People,

Muchapur – 1026 elderly People &

Sandwip Powrashava – 667 elderly People

Indirect: All elderly people family members.

Major Activities and Achievements of Project

  1. 300 elderly people receive allowance 500 taka each month at Sayedpur union of Sitakund , Musapur and Sandwip powrashava of Sandwip under the Chattogram district.
  2. Provide blankets, torch lights, umbrella, wheel chairs & other items to 368 poor and deprived elder people.
  3. Awerness rasing meeting for Elderly people at Ward and Union level.
  4. Provide health care support to 278 people at Swandip upzila.
  5. 180 elderly people received on income generating activities training
  6. Provied “Loan for Elderly Peoples Income Generation” with low services charge.
  7. Running Social center for Elderly people at Sayedpur.