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Name of the Project : “Plastic Waste Management in Chattogram City Corporation Area”
Project Duration : June 2022 to Dec 2023
Funded by : Unilever Bangladesh Ltd (UBL).
Working Area : Chattogram City Corporation Area.
Background justification of Project:
Chattogram City is the second largest city in Bangladesh. It consists 41 wards and area is approximately 155.4 Sq Km. Currently there are about 5.2 population are living in this city ( In an average 3000 tons of solid waste is generated daily in Chattogram City. The City Corporation can collect 75% of waste (Waste Report, 2019-2020). It means there is huge gap between the waste generation and collection. Such inadequate and uncontrolled waste management have an impact on urban environment such was waterlogging is caused by light rain. It was observed that plastic and polythene is a major portion of generated wastes is Chattogram city. It is percentage is about 8.8%. The collection and recycling of plastic waste is primarily a manual activity in Chattogram. There is no formal system for collecting the plastic waste in Chattogram. Generally, waste collectors (Private and Public) collect plastic wastes form source points. Many cases informal collectors as Tokai collect plastics wastes from open sources. The collected waste is sold ahead to small scrap shops/bhangari at a cheap price. Then the small scrap shops/bhangai sold the plastic to recycler. Finally, the recycler sold the processed plastic wastes to manufacturer.
Generally, waste pickers are reluctant to collect single use plastic (LDPE). Because they thought that it has no economic value and given more effort to collect significant volume. It is wondering that when we discussed with the leaders of Chattogram Plastic Recycle Association, they said that good quality single use plastic (LDPE bags) has huge demand in local recycle market in Chattogram as well as in countrywide. Moreover, Chattogram Plastic Recycler are capable to recycle large volume of plastic waste. There are more 300 recyclers in Chattogram.
In that perspectives, YPSA has taken an approached by connecting the existing actors of plastic value chain through various actions as well as providing awareness campaign at households on plastic waste segregation at households. Alike provide capacity development training with incentive to waste pickers for LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) collection. Similarly, provide capacity strengthen support to small scrap shops/entrepreneur/bhangari to manage large volume of single plastic. This approach will ensure the bulk amount of single use plastic collection along with others plastic waste collection in Chattogram City. At the same time YPSA will provide necessary support to small entrepreneur/bhangari on makes market linkage with recycler. Concurrently, YPSA will have regular lobbying and advocacy with Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) to institutionalize this process. As a result, the City Corporation will direct the concerned ward councilors to provide necessary assistance to the entrepreneurs at the ward level. And will work in coordination with the project to raise awareness on plastic waste management in household’s level. Finally, a comprehensive system will be developed on plastic waste management in the city and urban environment will be protected, city dwellers will have a good health and the intensity of waterlogging will be reduced.
Target Group:
The targeted groups are households, waste picker (private, public), Tokais, Feriwalas, Small Scrap Shops/Bhangari/Small Entrepreneur, Recycler, Manufacturer and Chattogram City Corporation.
Project Goal:
Enhanced Plastic Waste Management in Chattogram City Corporation Area.
Project Objectives:
- To increase the knowledge of households on plastic waste management;
- To support the waste actors on collection of more plastic wastes in the city;
- To develop a ward basis enterprise model on plastic waste management in Chattogram City Corporation Area;
- To strengthen the capacity of CCC on plastic waste management;
- To make the city corporation more interested in plastic waste management
Expected Results:
- Household used to on segregation of plastic waste from household level;
- Waste Pickers will receive quality plastic and economically gained;
- Waste pickers motivated to collect uncollected single use plastic;
- The recycler will be received bulk and quality plastic for recycle;
- Reducing the virgin material consumption in the city;
- Increasing the recycling of plastic and polythene;
- Reducing the plastic wastes
- A Comprehensive model will be developed on plastic waste management in Chattogram City Corporation;
- The prevalence rate of waterlogging will be reduced and increased the beauty of urban environment.
Activities with Short Description
The following activities will be executed to meet the project outcomes and goal.
Output-01: Increased the Households Knowledge on Plastic Waste Management
1.1 Public Announcement (Miking)
1.2 IEC Materials Development and Distribution
1.3 Uses Social Leaders/Religion Leaders on promoting waste segregation
1.4 Consultation Meeting with Para Committee/Residential Area Kollan Samity on Plastic Waste Segregation
1.5 Wal writing with catching phrases
1.6 Need Based Bin Distribution (Model Area and others)
1.7 Video Shows on System, Procedure and Importance of SWM
1.8 Social Media/Online Campaign
1.9 Day Observation (World Environment Day/Labor Day)
1.10 Youth Journalism on Environment
1.10 A) Youth Environment Journalist Forum Formation (Screening)
1.10 B) Training of Youth in Environment Journalism- 05Days
1.10 C) Publication of Youth Action in Environment
1.10 D) Mentoring Support to Youth on Journalism
1.11 Journalist Round table discussion of reduce the Plastic at CCC
Output-02: Waste Pickers collects more single plastic wastes with ensuring quality
2.1 Resource Mapping
2.2 Capacity Development Training to Waste Pickers
2.3 Cash Incentives to WPS (per kg-02 BDT for LDPE Collection)
2.4 Cash Incentives to WPS (per kg-01 BDT for LDPE Collection)
2.5 Coordination with Ward based Waste Management Committee
2.6 Best Waste picker Award
2.7 Plastic Yard Waste Collection Bin-Waste Picker
2.8 Emergency Health Support to WP
2.9 Health Campaign for waste pickers
Output-03: Ward based enterprise model developed on plastic waste management
3.1 Capacity Building Training to Entrepreneur/CSO
3.2 Cash Incentives to WPS (per kg-01 BDT for LDPE Collection)-first 6 month
3.2.1 Need Base Compartment Formation/structure Support (for storage)
3.3 Best Entrepreneur Award
3.4 Protective safety gear support to recovery point-based waste pickers
3.5 Business Networking Meeting between Entrepreneur and Recycler -Quarterly
3.6 Monthly Coordination Meeting with Ward Office/Councilor
3.7 Yard Plastic Waste Bag (4′.5”X4′.0″ or 423 gallon)
3.8 CSO Branding
3.9 Online Marketplace of Plastic Waste
3.10 Consultation meeting with Entrepreneur and Ward Office
Output-04: City Corporation taken various initiatives on plastic waste management
4.1 Consultation meeting with Academician and Researchers/Journalist on PWM
4.2 MoU Signing Ceremony among CCC, YPSA and UNILEVER
4.3 Validation Workshop with CCC
4.4 One on One Meeting with Conservancy Dept/relevant stakeholders
4.5 Advocacy Meeting with CCC/DoE on Waste picker/CSO rights and privileges (Trade license, health, Environment, Land, Education)
4.6 International event participation to share the reflection of the project and gather new ideas.
Project Update :
Waste pickers do not want to collect single use plastic (PP). Because these polyethylene are light and have no special economic value. Also, most polyethylene is dirty and wet. Scarf dealers show reluctance to buy this soiled polythene. Due to these reasons, the collection of SUP in Chittagong City is less. Unmanaged polyethylene’s are found in various places (drains, streets) in the city. As a result, these SUP ends up in canals, rivers and seas. As a result, the little rain in the city causes massive flooding and the environment is getting polluted. YPSA discussed with Chittagong Plastic Recycle Association and realized that there is a huge demand for good quality used single plastic/polythene in the recycling market across the country including Chittagong.

YPSA identified stakeholders and relevant activities through a social resource mapping in 41 wards in Chattogram City Corporation. At this stage, YPSA organizes awareness sessions and trainings with waste pickers and CSOs to sensitize them on waste management and the importance of light polyethylene (SUP). YPSA has trained about 2,600 waste pickers and brought about 2018 waste pickers under the incentives. Alike, CSOs and waste pickers have made good coordination with the councilor office at the ward level. YPSA has inducted 195 CSOs in its activities and out of which 120 CSOs have been trained. As a result, waste pickers increase the amount of SUP collected along with other wastes. Besides, YPSA has spread the message of waste management to about 41,250 people through 165 religious centers and conducted 41 meetings with mahalla/para committees and organized school campaigns to 35 educational institutions for waste segregation at the household level. Also, YPSA organized miking program in 41 wards. The purpose of miking is to separate waste at the household level. YPSA has formed 41 waste management committees in 41 wards for follow-up and sustainability of Waste Management. They are currently monitoring the waste management activities at the ward level. Also, YPSA developed leaflets, stickers, and posters for public awareness. As well as, YPSA organized Youth Champions of the Environment-2022 to engage and involve youth in plastic waste management. Awardees and participating youth members are contributing to the implementation of their ideas in the local community. In addition, YPSA awarded Best 5 CSO and Best 10 Waste Pickers for exemplary contribution to waste management. As well as YPSA published a social resource mapping booklet and 5 Video Documentary are about to published.
In continuation of the said activity, 195 CSO’s are associated with the waste collection activities in the City Corporation area through about 1950 waste pickers. From June 2022 to June 2023, 8237.183 tons of plastic waste has been collected through the said CSOs, out of which 3377.635 tons is rigid plastic waste and 4859.548 tons is single use plastic (light polyethylene). CSOs are sending the waste to different places of the country including Chittagong for manufacturing. YPSA organizes regular meetings and awareness sessions with 241 recyclers. To enhance the health safety of waste pickers in waste pickers and speed up waste collection, YPSA provided 100 bins at necessary and important places, 110 plastic bags for waste segregation at household level, provided PP sets to 840 waste pickers to ensure health protection of recovery point-based waste pickers and 50 large bags to CSOs to facilitate waste segregation as a model.
At the start of the project, YPSA conducted a baseline study of plastic-waste collection of CSOs in the Chattogram City Corporation area. Through the study, YPSA learned that CSOs collect single use but this is very little compared to the generation of waste. YPSA has been able to increase the level of collection of single use plastics through various trainings of waste pickers and meetings and incentives to CSOs. As a result, it is currently seen that the level of collection of CSOs has tripled from before.
Bringing unrecyclable plastics – polythene under recycling in the market will increase the collection of many single-use plastic. No plastic polythene left in canals or drains has accumulated. There is no alternative to awareness campaigns for waste segregation at the household level.
Project Recommendation; Likely 1. YPSA observed that there is a huge demand for light polyethylene waste in the market, but there is little collection of these waste polyethylene from the field. 2. Providing incentives or special facilities for the collection of uncollected light polyethylene waste increases the collection of this waste. 3 Orientation of Solid Waste Management act 2021 in Plastic Waste Management will enrich the project activities. 4 Raising awareness at household level will lead to the segregation of plastic-polythene from the household level and increase in collection. 5 Waste pickers and CSO are lack of social acceptance. 6. If project evaluating them properly, it will strengthen the city’s waste management activities. 7. Special support (financial and technical) by the Government to the recycling and manufacturing sector will increase plastic-polythene collection and strengthen the institutionalization of this sector. 8 Common SUP Selling marketplace in CCC. 9. Increasing Safety materials and equipment in the Household and Community level.
In the future YPSA want to work to protect the health and rights of CSOs and waste pickers. Besides, YPSA want to develop an online market for CSOs and recycler. As well as, conduct special activities at various tourist and populated spots. Alike, YPSA want to work with students and youth in waste management divisionally and nationally.