Women-Led Climate Resilience Program

Project Duration: January 2024 – November 2025

Implemented by: YPSA -Young Power in Social Action

Funded by: Pathfinder International

Purpose of the Project:

Providing women and girls health, SRHR, FP, WASH, gender and GBV, climate resilience, and climate adaptive livelihood information and services that complement the public sector services.

Project Objective:

  • Empower women and girls in low resource communities with the tools, knowledge, networks and resources to survive and thrive through today and tomorrow’s health needs and crises.
  • Build resilient, adaptable quality health systems able to meet the primary health needs of low-resource communities and withstand emergency shocks.

Geographical Coverage:

5 Upazila in Cox’s Bazar District. (Cox’s Bazar Sadar, Chakaria, Kutubdia, Teknaf, and Moheshkhali Upazila)

Major Activity:

  1. Update and develop guideline for training
  2. Update flipchart on health, SRHR, FP, WASH, gender and GBV, climate resilience and climate adaptive livelihood
  3. Engage Community outreach worker for conducting community level activities
  4. Identify resilience volunteers as change maker towards climatic vulnerabilities
  5. 5.Volunteer group formation meeting
  6. Quarterly meeting with Volunteer groups
  7. Capacitate resilience volunteers as change maker towards climatic vulnerabilities
  8. Gender transformative trainings for health professionals at Upazila level
  9. Innovative digital health and technology connections to health services
  10. Engaging women groups through different knowledge transforming sessions on Health, SRHR, Nutrition, WASH, Gender-GBV Climate adaptive livelihoods etc
  11. Conduct inception and sensitization meeting with authorities and teachers of selected schools for implementing project activities
  12. 12.Form School Disaster Management Committee and develop their capacity on DRR and climate change induces vulnerability and Risk
  13. School disaster management committee (SDMC) formation meeting
  14. Training with SDMC
  15. Organize workshop on the School Safety Plan development
  16. Quarterly meeting with SDMC
  17. Support schools for implement small scale mitigation plan as per school safety plan
  18. Empower Student council (SC) with climate change induces vulnerabilities and risk, SRHR, SGBV related issues through school programming
  19. Identify and Train the community-based organizations (CBOs), women’s group on crisis resilient livelihoods and preparation of household level contingency plans following the RRAP
  20. Identify issue-based climate adaptive livelihoods training
  21. Provide need based 10 training especially on climate adaptive agro based training to 200 women
  22. Provide agriculture support to 100 trained women at 5 model villages
  23. Install health related information boards
  24. Tree plantation
  25. Sensitization meeting with Union Disaster Management committee
  26. Training for UDMC on DRR and integrated SRH and MCH services in emergencies
  27. Bi monthly meeting
  28. Training for Emergency team
  29. Quarterly meeting with emergency team
  30. Provide CRA training to the UDMC members and other community member like volunteer, women group
  31. Conduct FGD for mapping the health and gender needs and identify disaster risks at union level
  32. Conduct Validation workshop
  33. Training for service providers at Upazila level
  34. Meeting with service providers, GO and NGOs at Upazila level
  35. Introduce linkages with key government departments that protect the vulnerable and engage communities to reduce Gender Based Violence (GBV)
  36. Build capacity of Providers and CHWs on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) to prevent and manage consequences of sexual violence, reduce disease transmission, prevent maternal and newborn deaths, and plan for comprehensive RH services to address preparedness for climate induced hazards and emergencies
  37. Assist Health facilities of government to prepare their contingency plans
  38. Conduct advocacy workshops/meetings with local CSR providing agencies to support the prepared RRAP/CP/house-hold level plan
  39. Conduct advocacy meetings to hand over the CRA’s RRAP and CP to the line departments to incorporate the findings into their annual development plan40
  40. Coordination with the government and other NGOs for different meeting, seminar, training, workshop, project related day observations.