Self employment by Promoting Income Generation to Youth

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Title: Poverty Alleviation Project in Chittagong Hill Tracts (PAP-CHT)

Donor: Hope’87


To promote self-employment among the targeted people especially among the indigenous youth through capacity building on income generating activities

Specific Objective

  • Organizing the targeted people especially the indigenous youth through awareness raising activities
  • Capacity building of targeted people through providing training (business/IGA related) and technical support
  • Making them skilled on respective IGA through providing trade/product based training

 Duration: May’2008 to APril’2010

Target Groups

Primary target people will be 700 youth members from YPSA groups (Gender balance and Indigenous and Settler both groups), where 500 from Kawkhali sub-district and 200 from Rangamati Municipal Corporation area of Rangamati district. Indigenous people mostly deprived of diversified development interventions particularly in the field of Income Generating Activities. Although there are many NGOs are working in the Rangamati hill tract but only few NGOs are working for capacity development of the indigenous youth in the Rangamati Municipal Corporation area and Kawkhali sub-district. To upgrade the living standard of the targeted people it is very much needed to bring them under the Income generating activities and this scope already prevailing in the proposed area.
Indigenous people mostly deprived of diversified development interventions particularly in the field of Income Generating Activities. Although there are many NGOs are working in the Rangamati hill tract but only few NGOs are working for capacity development of the indigenous women in the Rangamati Municipal Corporation area and Kawkhali Upazila. To upgrade the living standard of the targeted people it is very much needed to bring them under the Income generating activities and this scope already prevailing in the proposed area. At present the main scope of IGA’s are hand woven, small business, crop cultivation, bamboo cane work, wooden furniture, Handicraft, tailoring, Poultry rearing, cow rearing and beef fattening, pig rearing, homestead gardening etc.
From the experience, YPSA realized that only credit support cannot ensure the permanent positive economical change of targeted people so, if they are provided technical support like as training on IGA management & skill development on product/trade, marketing linkage, business development service etc. at the same time financial support as a start up cost of that IGA income level of targeted people will be significantly increased which will lead to ensure sustainability their self-employment activities. One day they will be able to become a successful entrepreneur
Major Activities & Progress Status

Activities Achievement Remarks
01.Construction of Human Resource Development Center (HRDC) at Kawkhali Done
02.Members selection from existing members Group members have selected from the               existing group for this project
> 450 out of 500 targets for this project in Kawkhali of Rangamati Hill Tracts.
> 200 out of 200 targets for this project in Rangamati Sadar.
03.Module development on EDBM training considering the need of target area members Done
04.ToT on Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management (EDBM) Done
05.To publish Booklets for members (training) and other IEC materials Done
06.Provide EDBM training with modified module Till To July’09 completed-350 member Training. Training on going
07.Skilled dev Training /product development training Process in going
08.Credit support to the selected trained members from HOPE’87 grant and YPSA own-supported by PKSF On going YPSA Won Support
09.Exposure visits for project staff Done
10.News letter publication Done
11.Participation in the Monthly coordination meeting On Going
12.Growth monitoring On Going
13.Linked with the buyer and market (if need) On Going
14.Trade/product based workshop with the appropriate resource person On Going
15.Refreshers training on EDBM-Tot receiver in the 2nd year On Going