News Category: Economic Development

Meeting on “Rights of Climate Displaced People” held in Rajbari District.
“Rajbari district is one of the worst climate affected area of Bangladesh located on the bank of Padma River. The water level of the river Padma continued to rise due…

Workshop on Remittance through Western Union in CHT held
Workshop on “Remittance systems for the people living in Chittagong Hill tracts” organized on 13 October at YPSA HRDC Kawkhali. Objective of this workshop is expanding the use of electronic…

Training on Entrepreneur Development and Business Management held at Rangamati
Training workshop on Entrepreneur Development and Business Management has been started since 17 January at Rangamati Hill Tracks. 25 women are participating at the workshop in each batch. YPSA organized…

Wokshop on Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management EDBM
A four day residential training workshop on “Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management EDBM” successfully ended on 13 September’09 at YPSA-HRDC Chittagong Campus

HOPE’87 Bangladesh Team visits YPSA-CHT Program
Hope’87 Bangladesh team comprising Mr. Rezaul Karim Babu, Branch Office Manager and Mr, Iqramulla Ratan, Project Supervisor of HOPE’87 Bangladesh, visited “Self Employment by Promoting Income generation to Youth” project…

Small Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management training workshop held at Rangamati
Small Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management training workshop held at Rangamati and Kawkhali with the support of HOPE’87

Business Management training workshop held in CHT
YPSA organized training workshop on “Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management (EDBM)’ at YPSA-Kawkhali Human Resource development Centre from 2-7 March’09. 25 selected women entrepreneurs from different areas of Kawkhali attended…

YPSA Agriculture Sector Micro Credit Project Lunched
A new project of YPSA Micro Finance entitled ‘Agriculture Sector Micro credit’ was launched at Sitakund and Kunira Area under Chittagong District. Through this project farmers of Sitakund and Kumira…

Entrepreneur’s Development and Business Management training
The half of total population is woman in the society. There is no way to enhance economical development without woman empowerment. It is possible to reduce gender discrimination and empower…