Tag: sbsw

YPSA observed World Aids Day 2012
YPSA and HIV/AIDS Coordination Committee jointly organized a procession in front of the Shahid Minar, Chittagong and discussion session at Civil Surgeon Office Auditorium on the occasion of World AIDS…

USAID evaluation team visited YPSA Modhumita Center
USAID evaluation team visited YPSA Modhumita Center (a health care center for the street based sex workers) at Nalapara, Chittagong on November 11, 2012. The team comprises USAID and FHI360 members…

USAID Team Visit YPSA’s Modhumita Project
USAID Family Planning Compliance Team visited YPSA’s Modhumita Program (HIV/AIDS prevention for street based sex workers) . The compliance team comprised with 4 members Ms. Elizabeth Bayer, Ms. Aliya Nguyen,…

YPSA celebrated International Women’s Day 2012
YPSA observed International Women’s day 2012 jointly with the Department of Women & Children Affairs, other Govt departments & NGOs of Chittagong. Coordination Committee organized a procession from Chittagong Shilpokola…

Country Director of FHI360, Save The Children and USAID Health team Visits YPSA Modhumita Center
Ms. Misti Mc Dowell, Country Director of Family Health International (FHI360), Dr. Simon Rasin, MD, MPH, PHD, Director, HIV/AIDS, Save The Children Bangladesh, Dr.Sukumar Sarker, PHN Office, USAID Bangladesh visited…

YPSA observed World Aids Day’ 2011
YPSA Consortium organized different programs on occasion of World AIDS DAY at Theater Institute of Chittagong on 2 December with the support of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of…

USAID team visits YPSA
Mr. Gregory J. Admas, Deputy Director, Office of Population, Health, Nutrition, and Education, Mr. Juan Carlos Negrette, Chief of Party, Smiling Sun Franchise Program and Dr. Sukumar Sarker, Office of…

USAID team visited YPSA’s HIV program
The honorable Health and Population Officer, Mr. Thibaut Williams, of U.S. Agency for International Development, which is a part of the Embassy of the United States of America, visited YPSA khulshi office on…

“International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” observed
YPSA observed “International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” on 26 July at Chittagong. Department of Narcotics Control, Bangladesh Government, YPSA and other NGOs jointly organized Human Chain and…

The American Center’s team visited YPSA
Honorable Cultural Affairs Officer, Mr. Garrett E. Wilkerson, of The American Center, which is a part of the Embassy of the United States of America, visited YPSA head office today,…

Country Director, Family Health International visited YPSA’s Modhumita Project
Ms. Misti Mc Dowell, Country Director of Family Health International (FHI) and Dr. Shamim , Technical Director, FHI visited YPSA’s Modhumita project at Nala para & shulok Bahar, Chittagong on…

World Tuberculosis Day 2010 observed
“On the Move against Tuberculosis, Innovate to Accelerate Action” On World TB Day 2010, YPSA and Coordination Committee have organized a procession in front of the Civi; Surgeon Office Chittagong …

World AIDS Day 2009 observed
YPSA and Coordination Committee jointly organized a procession in front of the Civil Surgeon Office Chittagong and Discussion session at Muslim Hall Institution on the occasion of World AIDS Day…

YPSA official participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program on HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention in the USA
The U.S. Department of State helps to shape a freer, more prosperous world through formulating, representing and implementing the President’s forging policy, the secretary of State in the President’s principal…

USAID Team visited YPSA’s Integrated Health Centre (IHC)
Ms. Lily Kak and Ms.Karen Cavananugh from Global Health Bureau, USAID Washington, Ms.Khadijat Mojidi and Mr.Sukumar Sarker, PHN Office, USAID Bangladesh, Ms.Marcelle Wijesi Nahe, USAID Bangladesh .They visited YPSA’s Integrated…

YPSA-CMP meeting on HIV/AIDS among drug users & sex workers
YPSA organized advocacy meeting on HIV/AIDS prevention among the Drug users & sex workers was held on 19 March at Chittagong Metropolitan Police Conference room. Mr. Md Moniruzannan, Police commissioner…