Medical Assistant cum Counsellor
YPSA (Young Power in Social Action) <> is an organization for sustainable development working in greater Chittagong division including Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) since 1985 (International Youth Year). YPSA is going to implement a project in the various District in Bangladesh “(Harm reduction and Opioid substitution therapy (OST) Service package for male and female People Who Inject Drugs (PWID)”, supported by ASP & icddr, b.
Project duration: 01 December, 2021 to 30 June, 2022 (Possibility to extension)
Position: Medical Assistant cum Counsellor
No. of vacancy: 11
Job responsibilities:
- Provide quality STI services, TB, hepatitis B & C and GH services to the people who inject drugs (PWID) and other drug users (DU) at service centers, which include government health facilities.
- Provide differentiated HIV testing services (HTS) (including HIV self-testing, partner testing, index testing, couple testing, social-network based testing) to the PWID/DU, and their partners at service centers and community settings. Perform HTS activities as per schedule; provide pre-test information and post-test counseling, perform HIV testing according to algorithm, deliver report to the clients, keep record maintaining confidentiality; maintain appropriate bio-safety measures during testing in order to ensure quality of test,
- Ensure proper registration of clinic patients and maintain all relevant records and files with maintaining confidentiality; Conduct physical examinations of the beneficiaries maintaining proper infection prevention procedure and ensure privacy during physical examination. Record present and past medical complaints of beneficiaries properly in the health card and prescribe medicines as per the treatment protocol; ensure proper dispensing of drugs including STI DOTs to beneficiaries and maintain records accordingly. submit monthly report to the outreach supervisor on time. Prepare monthly HTS report and submit to focal person timely.
- Provide referral services to the PWID/DU for complicated STIs and GH and other required services to GoB health facilities. Referral of the HIV positive PWID/ DUs in the ART center and follow regular basis for ensuring adherence
- Provide counselling assistance in regards to personal risk assessments, safer injecting, sex behaviours and partner notification; perform 4Cs (i.e. compliance with treatment, counselling for prevention, condom demonstration, contact tracing) according to National as well as project guideline during counselling; demonstrate proper use of condoms;
- Ensure availability and maintenance of proper clinical set up (e.g. patient bed, spot light, patient screen, adequate lighting facilities, running water supply etc.), infection prevention equipment’s (e.g., autoclave, incinerator, etc.) and clinical equipment’s (e.g. BP machine, thermometer, weight machine, proctoscope etc.). Ensure that they are in operation and properly used.
- Ensure supply and storage of medicine according to the SOP/guideline. update medicine stock register regularly.
- Ensure ethical issues like confidentiality, non-discriminatory attitude towards PWID/DU populations are maintained; and treat beneficiaries with respect and dignity
- Keep records of incineration of the blisters after the verification by the management staff.
- Ensure proper application of all monitoring tools for monitoring clinical activities (i.e., STI, GH, HTS, verbal TB screening, referral etc.); Review overall clinic performance regularly and guide the staff and report to the concern Program specialist.
- Perform verbal TB screening of all patients attending the clinic; ensure accompanied referral of presumptive TB cases to TB DOTS center for diagnosis and/or treatment and follow-up of TB positive cases to ensure treatment adherence.
- Prepare list of requisition for HTS reagent and consumables; maintain stock register of HTS reagent and consumable regularly.
- Store and document QC samples to be send to the icddr, b laboratory; store reagents and samples maintaining cold chain in order to organize and preserve samples properly.
- Execute any other assignment as per the project requirement assigned by the supervisor
Educational Requirements
- Completed diploma (4 years) in Medical Assistant course from recognize institution.
- At least 1 year direct working experiences with any of the marginalized and vulnerable community people will be preferred. BMDC Registration is mandatory.
Experience Requirements
- At least 1 year
Additional Requirements
- Age at most 35 years
- Ability to interact professionally with PWID population
- Ability to exercise flexibility and adaptability to changing priorities
- Ability to work within a team
- Ability to communicate effectively both written and oral
- Ability to plan, evaluate and meet deadlines
- Knowledge in good report writing
- Good analytical skills
- Ability to learn or possess knowledge of a wide range of information technologies
Job Location:
Dhaka, Cox’s Bazar, Jhalokathi, Jamalpur, Narsingdhi, Tangail, Chuadanga, Kushita, Noagaon, Rangpur, Sylhet
- 25,000 (Monthly)
If you are interested and competent for the this position, having required qualification and experience, please download CV format from this link and submit your hard copy of C.V with application, NID photo copy, all educational and experience certificates photocopy to Chief Executive, YPSA Dhaka Office, Prantik, House#12/Uma/1 (ground floor), Road#2, Shyamali, Dhaka-1207 on or before 26/12/2021 within 5 pm.
Please mention Job tittle and location on the top of the envelop
YPSA is an equal opportunity employer and sensitivity for child protection and gender. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Any persuasion or lobby will be treated as disqualification for an applicant. The smokers are discouraged to apply for the position.
Note: Emergency 028142351, 01920220702 from 10 am to 5 pm excluding govt. holiday