Tag: ARH

YPSA observed World Aids Day’ 2011
YPSA Consortium organized different programs on occasion of World AIDS DAY at Theater Institute of Chittagong on 2 December with the support of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of…

Workshop for the peer educators on Adolecsent Reproductive Health
YPSA organized a two-day training workshop for the peer educators on Adolecsent Reproductive Health during 7-8 August, in HRDC sitakund.

PLAN Visit YPSA-ARH Project
Dr. Tahamina Mirza, Project Manager, Plan Bangladesh & Monika Denmoy, Program Manager, PLAN CANADA Visited YPSA’s Adolescent Reproductive Health Project during 27-28 November, 2010. On the first day, they attended a sharing…

Health Advisor of PLAN Visited YPSA-ARH Project
Dr. Selina Amin, Health Advisor of Plan Bangladesh visited YPSA-ARH Project (Adolescent Reproductive Health) during 20-22 July. Mr. Hasan Ali, Coordinator of ARH Project, Plan Bangladesh was present with the visitor. They…

Workshop on Adolescent Reproductive Health for the teachers held
YPSA organized workshop on Adolescent Reproductive Health for the teachers at Sitakunda HRDC supported by the PLAN Bangladesh & CIDA on May 18. 16 teachers from 9 schools in Sitakunda…

YPSA-ARH observed World AIDS Day
World AIDS DAY 09 has been observed by YPSA-ARH Project with the support of Plan Bangladesh at Sitakund on 14 December. Rally, Sports and Cultural Program has been organized where…

Teachers training on adolescent health held
Adolescents need to gain knowledge on reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, Sexual disease from their school level and teachers can take play vital role on it. YPSA organized a training workshop on…

Training for the Adolescent friendly health service providers held
Training for the Adolescent friendly health service providers was held during 18-20 November, 08 at YPSA HRDC Shitakund to build life skills for the adolescents in the rural area. Topics…

Discussion meeting on reproductive health held
YPSA organized a discussion meeting on reproductive health at Shitakund Upazilla Parishad Conference hall on 21 September 08 with the support of Plan Bangladesh. In the meeting, participants discussed about…

Launching Ceremony of Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH)
Launching Ceremony of Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) Project was held at Chittagong on 18 April. The occasion was organized by Plan Bangladesh and supported by Canadian International Development (CIDA). The…