60% of the world’s suicides take place in the Southeastern and Western Pacific regions of Asia. China has 21% of the world’s population and between 30% and 40% of the world’s suicides. Suicide Prevention International (SPI) has completed a survey of the problem and the measures being taken to address it: Suicide and Suicide Prevention in Asia has just been published by the World Health Organization.
Sailakupa Upazila under Jenidah District and Banskhali Upazila under Chittagong district are most Suicide porn area in Bangladesh. From September 2009 YPSA has been conducting a Research on “Suicide in Banskhali-Identify the causes and initiative for prevention”. Under this research and observation of World Suicide Prevention Day 2009, YPSA organized a discussion meeting at upazilla administration Hall room in Banskhali. Upazila Nirbhahi Officer of Banskhali Mr. Sonamoni Chakma Presided the meeting and Mr. Alamgir Kabir Chowdhury, Chairman of Banskali Upazilla Council was present there as Chief Guest. Local government representative, Journalist, Lawyer, Business Association leader and Civil Society representatives were participated in the discussion meeting. Mr. Omar Kaiser, Poet and Journalist, Bureau Chief of National Daily Borer Kagoj was present as the Chief Discussant.