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Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is an organization for sustainable development and NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

News Category: Environment and Climate Change

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Jamuna TV Report : Afforestation efforts transform the landscape of Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar.

A report by Jamuna Television says “Afforestation efforts are transforming the landscape of the Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar. The benefits of six years of tree planting are becoming evident….

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YPSA and Unilever Bangladesh Launches “AwareWave” to Empower Youth Against Plastic Pollution

As a part of the World Environment Day 2024 campaign, Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) in collaboration with Unilever Bangladesh Limited (UBL) and Sunsilk, launched the AwareWave initiative, under the Uniliver employee volunteering platform,…

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Media Report on YPSA Plastic Waste Management Project

A short video documentary report by The Business Standard on Plastic Waste Management. Chattogram City Corporation, Unilever Bangladesh and YPSA are working together in plastic waste management of Chattogram city….

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YPSA celebrates Environment Day with Chattogram Divisional Commissioner and Department of Environment

World Environment Day-2024 is celebrated on June 5 with the theme “Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience”. The day has been celebrated in Bangladesh like other countries of the world…

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Inception meeting held on RHL project in Ramu

Inception meeting on RHL project held in Ramu

YPSA organized an inception meeting of “Resilient Homestead and Livelihood Support to the Vulnerable Coastal People of Bangladesh (RHL)” project at Ramu Upazila Officers Club Auditorium on May 16, 2024….

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Consultation Workshop on Impacts of Increasing Climate Migrants and Challenges of Urban Development in Chattogram

Consultation Workshop on Impacts of Increasing Climate Migrants and Challenges of Urban Development

YPSA organized consultation workshop on research finding sharing on Contextual Analysis of Impact of Climate Migrants who are displaced from climate forced natural disasters, their adaptation practices and challenges on…

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US Ambassador Peter D. Haas attended a meeting of YPSA

US Ambassador Peter D. Haas Tours YPSA Safety First Center

Peter D. Haas, United States ambassador to Bangladesh, visited YPSA’s Safety First Center in Chattogram on  April 23, 2024. The Ambassador’s visit aimed to learn about YPSA’s various activities for…

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Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive of YPSA, presented a token of appreciation to K M Rafiqul Islam, UNO of Sitakunda, Chattogram, on behalf of YPSA

Youth Climate Hackathon 2024

The Youth Climate Hackathon, a collaborative initiative of YPSA and the British Council, kicked off in YPSA HRDC Campus, Sitakunda, Chattogram at March 10, 2024, marking a significant stride in…

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Human chain by YPSA in front of the The countries first Iconic railway station

“Say No to Plastic Pollution” campaign held at the country’s first Iconic Railway Station in Cox’s Bazar

Cox’s Bazar, renowned for its tourist appeal, grapples with persistent waste mismanagement issues. From human effluent to plastic waste, the city is entangled in a multifaceted waste crisis, jeopardizing biodiversity…

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YPSA Participated in the COP 28 of UNFCCC in Dubai

YPSA Participated in the COP 28 of UNFCCC in Dubai, UAE

The 2023 Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, more commonly known as COP28, was the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference, held from 30 November until 12 December 2023…

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Chattogram City Corporation (CCC), Unilever Bangladesh Limited and YPSA signs MoU

Chattogram City Corporation, Unilever Bangladesh Ltd and YPSA signed MoU towards plastic circularity

Unilever Bangladesh Limited (UBL), the country’s leading Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company, signed an MoU on 22 June with Chattogram City Corporation (CCC), and Young Power in Social Action (YPSA)…

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YPSA participated in the BONN Climate Change Conference (SB 58) UNFCCC in Germany

YPSA participated in the BONN Climate Change Conference (SB 58) UNFCCC in Germany

The 58th sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SB 58) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)…

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YPSA and Save the Children step forward to empower next generation of Climate Leaders

A two-day training for youth titled “Empowering next generation, climate leadership training for youth” took place at Hotel Agrabad, Chattogram from 9th to 10th May, 2023. The training was organized…

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Green Human Wall at CRB in Chattogram

26-minute ‘Green Human Wall’ for Protecting the Environment

Global Law Thinkers Society (GLTS) organized “Green Human Wall” on March 26, the Great Independence Day of Bangladesh, at CRB in Chattogram. This event is organized several countries worldwide. In…

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Conversation with relocated households in front of their houses

CJRF Team Visits YPSA Initiative on Climate Displacement Program

Hilary Heath an official of the Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF) visited YPSA Head Office and Climate Displacement including Community-Based Relocation Initiatives on 26-27th February 2023. During the visit, she…

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YPSA organized Youth Champions of the Environment 2022

YPSA Center for Youth and Development (YPSA-CYD) organized “Youth Champions of the Environment 2022” to make environmental stewardship among the youth. As well as promoting their action for building environment…

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CORVI Risk Profile: Chattogram City held at YPSA Head office

CORVI Risk Profile: Chattogram City held at YPSA

The Outcome Dissemination Meeting held on CORVI Risk Profile – A Holistic City based Assessment of the Climate Risk Facing in Chattogram held at YPSA Head Office. The Climate and…

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YPSA observed International Volunteer Day’ 2022

Campaign on Plastic Free Karnaphuli River on International Volunteer Day’ 2022

YPSA organized a Campaign on “Plastic Free Karnaphuli River” at the Shah Amanat Bridge (Noton Bridge) in Chattogram City Corporation area, on 10 December, to mark the International Volunteer Day’…

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YPSA participated in the COP 27 of UNFCCC in Egypt

World leaders, climate experts, and campaigners from 130 countries gathered in Sharm El Sheikh from 6-18 November 2022 to attend the 27th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27)…

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YPSA Officials met Ian Fry, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change

YPSA Officials met Ian Fry, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change

Mr. Md Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive of YPSA and Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan, Deputy Director (Head) – KM4D Department of YPSA met with Mr. Ian Fry, UN Special Rapporteur on the…

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