News Category: COVID-19 Response

Youth Social Hackathon (2nd Round) -2022 on Best Ideas Completion Award
YPSA CEVEC Consortium funded by GCERF organized Youth Social Hackathon- 2022 as 2nd round to know the Implemented result & impact in Society on Preventing Violent Extremism, Gender Based Violence…

Urban Community Volunteers run week-long campaign on Coronavirus Prevention Awareness
A week long campaign was initiated by UCVs in Chattogram while the hike of Coronavirus in 2022. The Campaign lasts from 25-31st of January in four Wards of Chattogram, Ward…

Preventing Violent Extremism, GBV & Response COVID-19 Idea awarded in Youth Social Hackathon -2022
YPSA CEVEC Consortium funded by GCERF organized a Youth Social Hackathon- 2022 to know youth ideas and initiatives on Preventing Violent Extremism , Gender Based Violence & Response COVID-19 effects….

YPSA with WFP starts GFA Program on the New Year Eve of 2022!
On the advent of Year 2022, YPSA in association with the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) started “General Food Assistance Program” at Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Earlier YPSA had…

YPSA inaugurated Isolation Center in Primary School
On November 16, 2021 an isolation room was inaugurated in Nasirabad Colony Government School. Also a discussion meeting on the use and maintenance of isolation room was held as part…

YPSA CEVEC Consortium organized staff orientation responding to the impact of Covid-19
On 31st October 2021, YPSA CEVEC consortium organized a day long orientation on Responding to the impact of Covid-19 (RIC) in Cox’s Bazar & Chattogram (Sitakund) at Conference room, YPSA…

YPSA Proyash-II Urban Community Volunteers honored by Chattogram District Administration
Chattogram District Administration has conferred special honors to 21 urban community volunteers (UCV) under YPSA PROYASH-II project for their active participation in various humanitarian activities undertaken by the Chattogram district…

Consultation meeting on “Safe Back to School and Learning” organized by Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education, Save the Children and YPSA
“We have huge success in running assignment and online education. COVID-19 pandemic is also a good opportunity for us to turn these initiatives into their daily habit and make our…

YPSA provides emergency cash support among COVID-19 affected poor families
YPSA has been implementing a project namely COVID-19 Affected Rohingya and Host Communities Response Project in Cox’s Bazar; Bangladesh with support of Solider Suisse from February 2021. Due to COVID-19…

Virtual Talk to Promote Disability Inclusive Entrepreneurship for COVID 19 Affected Women with Disabilities Held
With an aim to promote disability-inclusive entrepreneurship and find a way out to increase the social dignity of COVID-19 affected women with disabilities in order to give them a solid…

Staff orientation on Covid-19, GBV & PVE (For Consortium Staff) organized by YPSA CEVEC Consortium
On 17 August 2021, YPSA CEVEC consortium organized day long orientation on Life Skills Education (For Consortium Staff) at Conference room, YPSA HRDC, Cox’sBazar Campus, Paner Chora, Ramu, Cox’s Bazar….

Partnership agreement signed between Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF) and YPSA
Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF) is a self-governing institutions under the Bank and Financial Institutions Division of Ministry of Finance, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. As part of government…

YPSA Launched Entrepreneurship Training for COVID-19 Affected Women with Disabilities
A five-day entrepreneurship training workshop for women with disabilities on EDBM (Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management) was launched by YPSA on 20th June 2021 at Bir Muktijoddha AKM Mafizur Rahman…

Assistant Health Coordinator, RRRC Office, Cox’s Bazar visited YPSA Age Friendly Space
Assistant Health Coordinator at the Office of the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner, Cox’s Bazar Dr. Md. Sarwar Jahan and Camp in Charge (CiC) at Camp-11 Mesbha Ul Alam Bhuiyan visited YPSA led…

Induction workshop of “Economic Recovery Project for COVID 19 Affected Host Communities & Rohingya Refugee”
A project induction workshop for the “Economic Recovery Project for COVID 19 Affected Host Communities & Rohingya Refugee” which is being implemented by YPSA and supported by Solidar Suisse, a Swiss…

Meeting of Urban Community Volunteers of West Sholashahar Ward-7 held
A meeting of Urban Community Volunteers of West Sholashahar Ward-7 was held on the initiative of YPSA Prayash-II Project. The meeting discussed in details the role and responsibilities of urban…

YPSA launched 13 hand washing corners in Chattogram City Corporation area
Under the initiative of YPSA, Prayash II project, in collaboration with Save the Children, 13 hand washing corners have been set up at the ward 7, 8 and 19 of…

Ward Disaster Management Committee meeting on preparedness to tackle the second wave of COVID-19
For the preparedness to deal with the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, YPSA organized a meeting with the Ward Disaster Management Committee at the 8 no Shulokbahor Ward Office…

IRC Country Director visits YPSA’s Protection Assistance for COVID 19 Response Project in Cox’s Bazar
Mr. Manish Kumar Agrawal, Country Director of International Rescue Committee (IRC) visited YPSA’s project activities under the project titled, “Emergency Health, WASH, and Protection Assistance for COVID-19 Response in Underserved…

YPSA observed International Volunteer Day 2020
YPSA organized various events with the urban community volunteers of 19th Bakalia Ward of Chittagong City Corporation to mark the International Volunteer Day’ 2020. Under YPSA’s Prayash-II project, an awareness…