The chair of All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change of Bangladesh and the Member of Parliament, Saber Hossain Chowdhury, along with local MPs and Representatives, expressed their disappointment and frustration on the attitude of the developed countries in the current spell of climate negotiations.
Mr. Chowdhury was speaking at the opening ceremony of the “Bangladesh Climate Camp,” jointly organized by Youth in Action on Climate (YAC), a coalition of youth organizations, and Oxfam International. Youths and young professionals from around the country gathered in the southern district of Noakhali in Bangladesh for the 3 days (22-25 October 2009) long camp to devise an action plan to influence the outcome of the UNFCC conference in Copenhagen.

responsibilities as well as compensation for Least Development Country (LDC).
“What EU members are going to do for Bangladesh in Copenhagen?
Please tell us”. We demand our justice through lighting the candle.
Coining the current disastrous impact of Climate Change on poor people’s lives as “Climate Catastrophe,” Mr. Chowdhury said, “developed and industrialized countries that are most responsible for the current climate catastrophe have failed to reach a legally binding agreement and failed to announce any significant funds for climate Change Adaptation for the
most vulnerable countries including least developed and small island states”
The Youth Climate Camp started with the demand for reaching a fair climate agreement in Copenhagen to ensure justice, peace and equity among all nations. Speakers pointed that a climate agreement is necessary to uphold the human rights as it is jeopardizing the lives of millions of men women and children. It is also an issue of national security as it is causing huge disruption in social and economic activities and destroying peace and harmony within and among nations.
Kirsty Hughes, Head of Policy and Advocacy, Michel Anglade, Oxfam’s South Asia Regional Campaign and Policy Manager, Ziaul Hoque Mukta, Policy and Advocacy Manger of Oxfam Bangladesh and Nurul Alam Masud of YAC also spoke at the opening ceremony.

Mr Chowdhury added, “Bangladesh has kept its promise and has taken initiatives to ensure low carbon development path with a significant budgetary commitment to tackle the climate disaster and protect human lives. Rich countries delay in announcement is extremely frustrating.”
He urged all countries to work together to reach a fair and just as well as legally binding agreement to protect the lives and livelihood of people around the world.
The total of 120 participants from 51 Districts of Bangladesh as well as from India, Nepal, Srilanka, Denmark and Austria took part in the camp. All youths raised a voice demanding the Climate Justice to the developed country. Mr. Henry H Roy, Associate Programme Officer of YPSA also participated in the programme.