The World Learning delegation team from USA visited YPSA from 30th January – 1st February 2012. The team is headed by the Mr. Joseph M. CICERO, JR. Mayor, City of Lyndhurst. State of Ohio.
The other members of this USA delegation are: Ms. Erika AKPAN , Policy Analyst ,Committee on Business and Commerce, The Texas State Senate, Austin, Texas , Mr. John CHANDLER, Principle Consultant, Committee on Agriculture, California State Senate, Sacramento, California , Mr. Josh HOXIE , Legislative Correspondent/ Staff Assistant, Office of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, Washington, DC, Mr. Jack MASON, Senior Budget and Performance Analyst, Legislative Budget Board, Austin, Texas , Mr. Neil WAGGONER, Legislative Aide, Office of Representative Lorraine M. Fende, Ohio House of Representatives, Columbus, Ohio , Mr. Vladimir Spenser, Astt. Director, World Learning , Washington DC, USA. Mr. Jamil Ahmed , Chief Executive Officer of JATRI was the coordinator of the delegation team .
Delegation team visited different social development programs of YPSA in Chittagong city and Sitakund rural areas , met with the YPSA core management team and the physically challenged trainers and students of ICT and Resource Centre on Disabilities IRCD and rural women entrepreneur under Micro Finance program.
The world Learning Delegation team actively joined in the America Week events. The US embassy in Bangladesh celebrated ‘America Week 2012’ in Chittagong .
America Week highlights the important ties between the people of the United States and Bangladesh by taking U.S. Embassy activities to the people outside the capital. This edition of America Week celebrates the theme of “Moving Forward Together” and features presentations, outreach, and site visits showcasing U.S. Government funded programs in Bangladesh.
On the occasion of the celebration, different US officials visited YPSA and they got experienced on development activities in Chittagong during their field visit to the YPSA’s project areas.
The delegation team attended in different courtesy visit and sharing meetings for view exchange with Chittagong City Corporation Mayor Mr. Mohammed Monjur Alam , Ms. Chemon Ara Begum MP, Mr. Md. Solaiman Alam Seth , Presidium Member of Jatiya Party , Mr. Abdullah Al Baker Bhuyan , Chairman of Sitakund Upazila Parishad, Mr. Shafiul Alam , Mayor of Sitakund Municipality . They visited Golabaria Government Primary School, Rural Community Clinic , Physiotherapy Center, different Village areas and talked with villagers and students. They also visited Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2 and gave a live interview on different aspects and learning of the visit and share their thoughts and wishes.