The government of Japan has decided to provide grant assistance for seven projects under Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGHSP) totaling US$ 628,390 (approximately Tk 5 Crore) in Bangladesh. YPSA signed for “The Project for Construction of the Youth Training Center” in a signing ceremony held in Embassy of Japan on 18 March 2012.
Under GGHSP, YPSA will construct 2 storied vocational training center building and will procure equipments and furniture. YPSA received US$ 74,705 to establish an affordable and accessible training centre for the local people, which will increase skilled manpower for employment. This training center will provide training to the local people which will increase skilled manpower for employment. This center will provide need based training, career development programs and research work to enrich learning and skills of individual, group and organizational performance. It is expected that YPSA will provide vocation training to 1007 persons per year.