YPSA-Leadership Development Program organized 17 Unions and 3 Upzila Level Leaders Convention in Sitakund and Mirsarai upazila of Chittagong district and Ramu Upazila of Cox’s Bazar district during the month of January, 2016. These leaders convention arranged in the with the involvement of all youth and community leaders who received the training of Appreciative Youth and Community Leadership, Youth Informed Citizenship, Development Issues, Democracy and Good Governance and Leadership and Community Leadership Skills Training over the year. Leaders Convention was organized to buildup the network and association between the youth and community peoples that living different places of the 3 mentioned upazilas which accelerate the social development promotion in Sitakund, Ramu and Misarai upazila.
First Union Leaders Convention held on Muradpur Union of Sitakund upazila on 22nd December, 2015. Chairman of Muradpur Union Parishad SM Rezaul Karim inaugurated the leaders’ convention. More than 100 youth and community leaders, UP body and Govt. officials were present the program. On the next day Barabkund Union Parishad Convention was held where Sardar Arif, Director of Counterpart International was present in the program as chief guest. After that program, Kumira, Sonaichari, Barialdhala, Banshbaria and Syedpur Union leaders convention were organized by YPSA-LDP.
Union Leaders Convention was started in Ramu upazila on 10th January at Jorainala Union where not only discussion program but also cultural program likes music and social drama also arranged in the program. As per schedule leaders convention held in Chakmarkul, South Mithachari, Fatekharkul, Rashidnagar, Kaurkhop and South Mithachari union.
Mayani Union of Mirsarai upazila is the first union where YPSA-Leadership Development Program organized union leaders convention in Mirsarai on 15th January. The last union leaders convention held at Wahedpur Union on 25th January and a colourful rally, discussion program arranged by youth leaders of the union. Md. Salauddin Ahmed, Chairman of Wahedpur Union participated in the discussion and rally as chief guest.
First Upazila Leaders Convention held on Ramu on 26th January with the participant of 6 unions Union Leaders forum representatives at Upazila Administration auditorium. Upazila Nirbahai Officer of Ramu was present as chief guest and Upazila youth development officer attend the program as special guest. Accordingly Mirsarai and Sitakund Upazila Youth Leaders Convention organized by YPSA-Leadership Development Program.