Dr. Md. Aminul Islam, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Women & Children Affairs and Md. Rabiul Islam, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Information, has visited YPSA’s anti-trafficking project Ashshash: for men and women who have escaped trafficking, on 1st and 2nd December, 2016 at Chokoria, Ramu, Moheskhali and Ukhiya upazila in Cox’s bazaar district. Asma Khatun, National Program Officer of IOM; Syed Assraf Ullah, Program Manager of YPSA and Md. Ibrahim, Project Officer of YPSA-Ashhash Project were present during their visit.
Visitors wanted to know about the beneficiary selection process, vocational training and business setup process of trafficking survivors conducted by YPSA–Ashshash project. YPSA team presents current situation of YPSA-Ashshash project.

Visitors talked with 5 male and 3 female beneficiaries of Ashshash project about their previous story, how rescued by IOM, life skill training, vocational training, business setup and present situation. All beneficiaries told their stories and their present situation. They have also visited YPSA shelter home Shanto Niloy, Cox’s Bazar for observing activities of Bangladesh Counter Trafficking in Persons Program of YPSA. They discussed following issues of YPSA-BCTIP program:
- System of Enrollment of trafficking Survivors
- Processing of adding in Program
- Observation Period
- Overall Case Management:

YPSA (Young power in social Action) is implementing a pilot project on human trafficking named ASHSHASH (for men and women who have escaped trafficking) at Chittagong & Cox’s Bazar district. The project is funded by SDC (Swiss Development Corporation) & supported by IOM (International Organization for Migration). The project goal is to ensure the mainstreaming of 30 escaped trafficking survivors into their society with safe work and dignified Life.
Ashshash is a very unique project to reintegrate trafficking victims in the mainstream society. In the consequences of the project activities, Ashshash project is giving business maintenance support for its beneficiaries. At Chittagong & Cox’s Bazar, already 23 beneficiaries have got in-a-kinds support from this project. By running those small enterprises, beneficiaries will develop their self-esteem as well as their earning for livelihood- that is the key essence of Ashshash project.