MART (Maternal Awareness and Referral Tracking) System is a unique intervention of SHOW project in Bangladesh for online based referral system. This is a piloting initiative. If the system could successfully implemented in SHOW intervention area (Panchari Upazila under Khagrachari Hill District, Nilphamari District and Barguna Sadar Upazila), it will be a role model for referral system in Bangladesh.
Through this system, beside online based referral under SHOW project, audio messages on antenatal care, safe delivery, birth planning, post natal care, family planning and other messages on maternal, new-born and child health will be send to the project beneficiary through IVR and Voice SMS. The phone number of the mothers and project beneficiaries is collected through Comcare (online based data collection software) by the female Community Health Workers during household visit and counselling. Already 17 specific voice messages had developed on the above mentioned issues and the voice messages also translated into the local languages (Chakma, Marma and Tripura) from Bangla. After each 15 days one message is given to the selected phone number for developing greater awareness among the community people on MNCH/ASRHR issues.

Through the referral of a mother from Logang Union Health and Family Welfare Centre (UH&FWC) to Khagrachari Mother and Child Welfare Centre (MCWC) for obstructed labour on 13 November, 2018 YPSA-SHOW Project initiate a Unique Model of Online Based Referral System in Khagrachari. It is to note that YPSA-SHOW project has an ambulance for the service of referral poor patient. This project is funded by Global Affairs, Canada with the technical support of Plan International, Bangladesh.

However, part of this, earlier YPSA-SHOW Project had provided 10 mobile phone in 10 health facilities of Panchari and Khagrachari. The facilities are – 5 Community Clinic, 2 Union Health and Family Welfare Centre, Panchari Upazila Health Complex, Mother and Child Welfare Centre – Khagrachari, District Hospital – Khagrachari.
On 9 November, 2018 as part of this initiatives 3 Smart Tablet PC handed over to the representative of 3 hospital (Panchari Upazila Health Complex, Mother and Child Welfare Centre – Khagrachari, District Hospital – Khagrachari). During the Tablet PC hand over program Mr.Dr. Shah Alam, Civil Surgeon – Khagrachari Hill District and Mr.BiplopBarua, Deputy Director of Family Planning – Khagrachari Hill District were present. During that program to develop a model upazila for safe maternal and child health a detail plan was also suggested by the Civil Surgeon and DDFP. Mr. Habibur Rahman, Technical Officer-YPSA-SHOW Project had provide a short multimedia power point presentation in front of the doctors and the guests. Beside this, Mr.IshfakAzam Chowdhury, ICT Support Specialist, Plan International Bangladeshgave a short orientation on MART System.

Mr.Mr.Dr. Shah Alam said,‘it is (MART) our opportunity, through our joint effort hope very soon we will establish a model of health system in Bangladesh. Thanks YPSA for their innovative support toward strengthening the health system in Khagrachari.’