Mr. Basile Ema Ebédé, the Country Manager (Bangladesh, Philippines, Sri Lanka) of GCERF (Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund) has visited the activities of the project named ‘Community Engagement in Countering Violent Extremism in Chattogram Division (CEVEC)’ under YPSA at Cox’s Bazar, on 3-6 November 2022.
On 03 November 2022, he visited at Eidgoan Model High School at Eidgaon to observe the activities of Life Skills Education Session which was conducted by Mr. Mojammel Hoque – Assitant Teacher of Eidgoan Model High School. There he discussed with the students who participated in the LSE session. Students shared with him about their interest and responsibilities on PVE.

GCERF Country Manager Mr. Basile Ema Ebédé conveyed his heartfelt gratitude to the students and teachers for implementing such type of effective activities in educational institutions on PVE. Then he sat with the Education Institutional Head Mrs. Khurshida Jannat. Mohammad ShahJahan – Focal point , Ms. Khaleda Begum – Team Leader, Mohammad Harun – Program Coordinator (Field Operation), Bana Ratna Tanchangya – M&E Officer were present from YPSA CEVEC Project.
In that meeting, Mr. Basile Ema Ebédé asked the Head of the Institution about the changes observed after providing LSE sessions on PVE among the students and what steps should take to sustain PVE initiatives. The Head of the Institution replied that student much more aware on VE issues after receiving LSE sessions on PVE and those students able to identify their risk on VE. She added, Students have been conveying PVE messages among other students, their friends and family members. For the sustainability issue, she mentioned that sustainability on PVE was very much essential for the students and she assured that they would continue the LSE session on PVE and disseminate PVE massages into their other activities.

After observing LSE session on PVE he visited capital support activity at Islamabad. There Mr. Basile Ema Ebédé visited Computer Center of Mr. Shaikat Dey. He expressed his satisfactory after observing and discussing with Mr. Shaikat Dey.
Then he sat in a meeting with YPSA CEVEC project staff at YPSA CEVEC project office, Cox’sBazar. Md. Arifur Rahman, Cheif Executive of YPSA has warmly received Mr. Basile Ema Ebédé and he looked round the YPSA CEVEC project office first.
Meeting with YPSA CEVEC project staff chaired by Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive of YPSA and presented about the organization in front of him. Md. Arifur Rahman said, YPSA has been initiated activities for enabling peaceful society from 2012 and after conducting Ramu riots YPSA has started PVE activities in Cox’s Bazar.

YPSA conveyed thanks to GCERF for extended their support to YPSA for implementing PVE initiatives in Cox’s Bazar and Sitakund. Ms. Khaleda Begum, Team Leader of YPSA CEVEC project presented project presentation and Md. SHahjahan, Focal Point of YPSA CEVEC project has briefly discussed on YPSA CEVEC Round-03 background. Mr. Basile Ema Ebédé conveyed thanks to YPSA and the team for implementing PVE activities. He also expressed his highly gratitude and praises on earlier field visit experiences. Ms. Roksana Begum, Assistant Director Finance, Mr. Nazmul Barat Rony – Program Coordinator (Training and Advocacy), Mohammad Harun – Program Coordinator (Field Operation), Mr. Bana Ratna Tanchangy – M&E officer, Mr. Enayet Mowla – Finance Manager, Mr. Abidur Rahman – Upazilla Manager, Mr. Raisal Jahan and Mr. Nezam Uddin Chowdhury– Accounts officer from YPSA were present among others.

On 06 November 2022, Mr. Basile Ema Ebédé, Country Manager of GCERF has visited many activities and sat in an exit meeting with YPSA CEVEC team. That day he visited at Ramu and observed Pond re-excavation under Cash for work support, IGA support for women and meet with the Teachers and students who received Coaching support at Ibne Abbas Islamia Dakhil Madrasha at Ramu. Then he visited home based poultry under livelihood support activity at Pahartoli, Cox’s Bazar and met with Cox’s Bazar Pouroshova youth forum members at Mohazer Para, Cox’s Bazar. Ms. Khaleda Begum, Team Leader of YPSA CEVEC Project guided him to visit the field activities. After that he met with Mrs. Fahmida Begum, Deputy Director of Islamic Foundation of Cox’s Bazar at Islamic Foundation, Cox’s Bazar office.

At the end of visit, Mr. Basile Ema Ebédé, Country Manager of GCERF shared in the exit meeting that he was really happy to see the field activities and the response of stakeholders and beneficiaries against VE. He thanked the YPSA team for their contribution and effort. He said that it was important to keep the continuation of PVE activities in the field and he hoped that GCERF would provide his best support to YPSA to run the project further.

Ms. Khaleda Begum, Team leader of YPSA conveyed thanks to Mr. Basile Ema Ebédé to visit field activities under YPSA CEVEC project. She said that his visit was very much important for the project to realize the real scenario of the field and their voices. She expressed gratefulness to GCERF for providing prompt support to implement field activities on PVE. In that exit meeting there was present Mr. Nazmul Barat Rony – Program Coordinator (Training and Advocacy), Mohammad Harun – Program Coordinator (Field Operation) and Mr. Bana Ratna Tanchangya – M&E officer from YPSA