YPSA celebrated International Women’s Day with the support of International Rescue Committee (IRC), organizing events in the Rohingya refugee camps including Camps 5, 18, and 25 to raise awareness of the day’s significance. The events centered around the theme of “DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality” and included various activities such as sports, games, drama, art and quiz competitions, and discussions for women and girls in the Rohingya community.
Women and girls’ summits were also held in all three camps, where discussions revolved around the importance of International Women’s Day, women’s rights, and gender-based violence. The participants appreciated the opportunity to attend and shared their knowledge and experiences, making the events successful in empowering women in the community and raising awareness about women’s rights.
Mr. Pritam Shah, the CiC of Camp 5, and Md. Manoar Hossain, the CiC of Camp 18, Office of the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner along with the staff from YPSA and IRC, and other organizations, participated in the activities organized for International Women’s Day. The event included speeches from esteemed guests representing various organizations who shared their insights on preventing gender-based violence, dowry, and divorce while promoting the theme of “DigitAll: Innovation & Technology for Gender Equality.
Women and girls Summit:

Women and Girls Summit organized by YPSA, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, participants including camp CiCs and representatives of other organizations were made aware of women’s rights, the significance of women’s education, and the crucial role women play in shaping the next generation’s digitization. The event also featured competition prizes distribution and discussions on the importance of International Women’s Day.
In addition, women and girls from the Rohingya community shared their valuable insights during the summit where a Rohingya volunteer named Ismat Ara quotes about International Women’s Day from her understanding that the next generation needs women’s education to strengthen and empower women. A female representative from camp #25 expressed her feeling that women need to know about technology and their rights to be digitalized in their next generation.
Two adolescent girls from YPSA’s Girl Shine program expressed their opinion that to empower women, they should stop marrying at a young age and education should be provided; only then will it be possible to digitize the next generation.
In the concluding remarks, the CiCs said that to establish women’s rights, women should be given respect, and violence against women should be reduced. They should be given equal opportunities for education which is an option of many others so that the next generation can be digitized and equipped with the skills necessary.