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Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is an organization for sustainable development and NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

YPSA’s Plastic Waste Management Project Could be a Model of Plastic Circularity and Guideline for EPR Policy

Meeting at Unilever Corporate Office, Dhaka.

YPSA attended a roundtable on Sustainable Plastic Packaging Circularity: EPR Policy Recommendations and Cost-Effective Appropriate Technology in Unilever Corporate Office, Dhaka on 11 June.  Mr. Abdul Wadud, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Forest Environment and Climate Change was present as the key resource person at the meeting.

Mr. Sheikh Mohammed Tauhidul Islam, Chief Executive Officer, Chattogram City Corporation was present as a special guest at the meeting.

Besides, the president of Bangladesh Plastic Traders Association, business representatives, academician, NGO representatives and journalists attended the meeting.

Dr. Kazi Bayzid Kabir, Professor Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET presented the main paper in this round table. In this paper, he presented the research findings with recommendations of zero draft of EPR in SWM Rule 2021.

After the presentation of the main paper, there was an open discussion on the research findings and recommendations. In the discussion meeting most of the participants suggested check the feasibility before developing rules of EPR and extend the voluntary phase of EPR. Take more consultation with stakeholders when finalizing the rules of EPR. Review the practices of successful EPR in different countries as well as model developed by YPSA in Chattogram.

Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive, YPSA and Md. Abdus Sabur, Focal Person, YPSA Plastic Waste Management Project attended the roundtable on behalf of YPSA. And shared the model of Plastic Waste Management Project in Chattogram City.