2nd year Agreement signing ceremony of Activating Village Courts in Bangladesh (AVCB) Phase III Project held in IDB Bhaban, UNDP, Dhaka on 4th July 2024. From YPSA, Founder Chief Executive Md. Arifur Rahman signed the contract. At this meeting National Project Coordinator, AVCB III Project, UNDP were present with AVCB III team members of UNDP. Ms. Nasim Banu, Director (Social Development) and Focal Person of YPSA AVCB III project and Ms. Farhana Idris,Program Manager, YPSA (PC AVCB III) , YPSA were also present
YPSA is implementing the AVCB III project in 15 districts, 141 Upazillas and 1391 Unions of 8 districts of Chattogram division, 4 districts of Sylhet division and 3 districts of Dhaka division with the support of the Local Government Department of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperative, European Union and UNDP Bangladesh. The aim of the project is to increase access to justice for people in rural areas of Bangladesh especially women, ethnic minorities and disadvantaged groups.
After signing the agreement, an overview of the year 1 and focused areas of year 2 was presented by UNDP.