Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of Poor Households towards Elimination of their Poverty (ENRICH)

Satellite Clinic
Yard meeting health worker
Health Camp
Vermicompost fertilizer production
cataract surgery campaign
Handicraft product making by women
Satellite clinic

Duration of Project: 2010 to present

Supporting Partner: Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)


  1. Empower Families through income growth and other support activities
  2. Increase access to Health, Education and Nutrition
  3. Encourage local population and related organizations to work together to combat natural disasters.
  4. Development of government, Non Governmental and NGO to reduce the poverty level and implement the development process.

ENRICH Working area:

  1. Sayedpur Union- Upazila: Sitakund, District: Chattogram.
  2. Kolompoti Union- Upazila: Kawkhali, District: Rangamati Hill Tract.
  3. Panchori Sadar Union- Upazila: Panchori,District:Khagrachori Hill Tract

Project Participants / Target People: 8170 Family

Direct: Sayedpur – 6331 family, Kolompoti- 3335 family and Panchari – 2120 family

Indirect: Male-44347 and Female- 34948

Ongoing Activities:

  • Health related activities (Satellite Clinic, Health Camp, Cataract Operation, Deworming and Wash activities)
  • Education assistance to combat drop out
  • Savings & loan activities
  • Eco-friendly stove preparation & marketing
  • Production of Bashok as medicinal plant
  • Begger Rehabilitation program
  • Special Savings Program
  • Vegetables Seed distribution for home stead gardening
  • Youth Development and Create employment
  • Establishment of ENRICH Ward Center
  • Support to farmers for Vermi Compost production
  • Encourage farmer in using granular urea and pest management without pesticides, other agricultural activities.
  • Social infrastructure development activities ( bridge, culvert repairing, tube well and latrine installation)

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