Tag: rcbdh

Forest dependent people of Mirsarai Upazila receive donation
Forest dependent people of Mirsarai Upazila received donation of 350000 Taka from YPSA and Arannayk Foundation in an occasion held at the office of Mirsarai Upazila Nirbahi Officer on 30…

Monthly meeting of “Baroiadala National Park Co-Management Committee” held
Monthly meeting of “Baroiadala National Park Co-Management Committee” held at Owahedpur Union Parishad office, Mirsharai on 25 July. President of the committee Mr. Sharwar Uddin presided over the meeting while…

Forest dependent people’s organizations received training on financial management
Representatives from 24 forest dependent people’s organizations received training on financial management at the Mirsharai Union Parishad Office on 16 June 2013.

Fruit trees distribution among the forest dependent people
YPSA distributed fruit tree seedlings among the forest dependent people promoting tree growing in homesteaded and non-utilized lands at Mirshahrai on 16 June 2013.

YPSA observed World Environment Day 2013
YPSA in collaboration with Upazila Administration and Forest Department, Mirsharai arranged rally and discussion meeting to mark the World Environment Day 2013 with the theme “Think. Eat. Save.” on 5…

“Baroiadala National Park Co-Management Committee” formed
Mirsharai Upazila Administration and Forest Department formed “Baroiadala National Park Co-Management Committee” in a meeting at the Uapazila Conference Hall, Mirsharai on 30 May with the support of YPSA’s Restoration…

Baraydala National park co-management council formed
Baraydala National park co-management council was formed by YPSA’s climate change related project “Restoration and Conservation of biodiversity in the denuded hills in Sitakunda and Mirsharai”. Assembly of this council…

Training on “Organization development and management” held
YPSA organized a two-day training workshop “Organization development and management” for the forest dependent people’s organization at YPSA HRDC Sitakund campus. Mr. MD. Shahin Imran, UNO of Sitakund was present…

Officials from Department of Forest visit YPSA
High level officials from Department of Forest, Chittagong visited YPSA’s project activities of “Restoration and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Denuded Hills” in Mirsharai on 15 January. They discussed with…

Meeting on “Co-management activities for conservation of forest and biodiversity ” held
Mirsharai Upazila Administration and Department of Forest, Chittagong North Jointly organized meeting on “Co-management activities for conservation of forest and biodiversity in Sitakund and Mirsharai Upazila” at Mirsharai with the…

Training workshops on Bamboo propagation & Enrich Longevity of bamboo
YPSA-RCBDH project organized different training workshops on “Enrich longevity of bamboo by using chemical” and “Bamboo propagation & management technique” in Sitakund and Mirsharai on 23 & 27 June with…

Training on Plantation & Management System of Horticultural Plants
Training on “Plantation & management system of horticultural plants” was organized by YPSA-RCBDH (Restoration and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Denuded Hills in Sitakund and Mirsharai, Chittagong) supported by Arannyok…

Training on “Leadership Skill Development” held
YPSA-RCBDH organized training workshop on “Leadership Skill Development” during 20-22 June and 28-30 June at YPSA-HRDC training centre, Sitakund with the support by Arannyok Foundation (AF). 40 participants from Forest…

Training on “High Energy Efficient Stove making” held
YPSA-RCBDH organized three training workshops on “High Energy Efficient Stove making” during 23-25 May under the project “Restoration and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Denuded Hills in Sitakund and Mirsharai,…

YPSA observed “International Day for Bio-logical Diversity 2010”
YPSA observed “International Day for Bio-logical Diversity 2010” with the theme of “Biodiversity, Development & Poverty alleviation” at Sitakund on 22 May. YPSA-RCBDH Project organized Rally and Discussion Meeting to…

YPSA observed World Water Day 2010
YPSA observed “World Water Day 2010. Rally and discussion meeting has been organized at Choto Darogahat under Sitakund Upazilla on 20 March in order to mark the day. Theme of…