The GFATM Round 6 HIV/AIDS Project is on “HIV Prevention and Control among High Risk population and Vulnerable Young People in Bangladesh” and builds on the experiences of existing grant for the Round 2 project. SC-USA selected 8 lead consortiums for eight technical service packages along with 46 associate organizations through national procurement process for implementing the project. The lead partner consortiums are CARE Bangladesh (GF 906), Padakhep Manobik Unnayan Kendra (GF 907), Bangladesh Women’s Health Coalition (BWHC) (GF 908), Durjoy Nari Shangha (GF 909), Ashar Alo Society (GF 910), Marie Stops Clinic Society (GF 911), Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) (GF 912), and James P Grant School of Public Health (BRAC University) (GF 913). The duration of the Round 6 HIV/AIDS project is form 2007-2012, and the total budget is US $ 39.2 million.
Notional AIDS/STD Program, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW) and SC-USA and the Sub-Recipients are working together in collaboration, with other key ministries, UN Agencies, and other Development Partners for effective implementation of the projects and coordinated national response in Bangladesh.
GFATM Technical Package 912
Package Title: Primary Prevention of High Risk Reduction through Work-place Interventions in Garment Industries
Objective of this package:
To empower most vulnerable young people working in the garment industry through work-place interventions, including the promotion and practice of life skill education (LSE) based on successful GFATM Round 2 Project experiences.
Unsafe sex under conditions of urban poverty is prevalent among young working people and provides ideal conditions for rapid HIV transmission. This objective builds on the Round-2 grant experience with peer education on Life Skills Education (LSE) and Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS). The focus is on primary prevention of HIV infection through workplace education in the garment industry.
The major tasks to be undertaken are :
?• Organizing national level workshops and meetings with national garment export institutions and factory owners to endorse a workplace policy on Life Skills Education (LSE).
?• Needs assessment of garment workers in selected factories and the development, production and distribution of training and communication materials for peer workers and beneficiaries based on this assessment
?• Training of Master Trainers and Peer Educators on HIV-related LSE
Lead Organization: Young Power in Social Action (YPSA)
Associate Organizations:
Samaj Kalyan O Unnayan Shangstha (SKUS)
HIV/AIDS and STD Alliance Bangladesh (HASAB)
Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is a voluntary social development organization established in 1985 (UN International Youth Year). It was awarded the International Youth Peace Prize in 1999 and Best Social development organization Award in 2000. It is also a member of INFOYOUTH Network of UNESCO and INJEP, France. YPSA has been working in the field of HIV prevention since 1995 with commercial sex workers and drug users and undertook HIV prevention activities with garment industry workers under the Round 2 GFATM funded HIV/AIDS project in Bangladesh. YPSA also has commendable contribution in the areas Primary Health care, Disaster management, Disabilities, ICT4D and networking issues.
The other consortium members are:
SKUS has been running HIV prevention programs in Chittagong supported by UNICEF. It is involved in a number of other social development projects in collaboration with JICA, WHO, NGO forum, Chittagong City Corporation, USC Canada Bangladesh and Department of Public Health Engineering.
HASAB is primarily known as a capacity building organization in HIV/AIDS programming. For over ten years HASAB has worked in project designing and planning, training module development (HIV/AIDS Counseling, Gender & Sexual Health, Peer approach, Life Skills Education/LSE, Youth Friendly Health Services/YFHS), research, networking and advocacy.