News Archive : 2012

Chhagalnaiya Upzilla Anti Tobacco Taskforce Committee meeting held
Chhagalnaiya Upzilla Anti Tobacco Taskforce Committee meeting was held at Chhagalnaiya UNO office on 30 December 2012. Mr. Kazi Shohidul Islam, Upazilla Nirbahi Officer of Chhagalnaiya Upazilla was presided over the meeting. Besides…

8th annual divisional sports of persons with disability held
8th annual divisional sports competition of persons with disability held at M.A Aziz Stadium, Chittagong on 28 December organized by NASPD and CSD. About 800 competitors (Persons with disability) in 83…

RDRS team visited YPSA’s shelter home for the trafficking survivors at Cox’sbazar
RDRS Bangladesh team consist of 18 staffs led by Mr. Azam, Program Manager of RDRS, Health Program visited Shanta Niloy (YPSA’s shelter home for the trafficking survivors) at Cox’sbazar on…

Ward based smoke-free sticker campaign started in Chittagong City Corporation
Mayor of Chittagong City Corporation adopted smoke free guideline in 2010 to protect people from the harms of smoking at the corporation office and it’s premises. The City Corporation has been…

Prevention of human trafficking crimes requires raising awareness through enforcing law
“Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. Every year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers. Prevention of human trafficking crimes requires raising awareness through enforcing law, supporting…

6th Annual Convention of Self-help Organization of Persons with Disabilities held
6th Annual Convention of Self-help Organization of Persons with Disabilities was held at YPSA HRDC Sitakund Campus on 22 December 2012. Thousands of representatives from 40 Self Help Organizations of…

YPSA participated in the BCCP workshop
BCCP, a national capacity development organization, has organized a workshop titled “How to Assess Impact of Tobacco Control Program” during 18- 20 December 2012 in BCCP (Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs) training…

International Migrants Day 2012 observed at Sitakund
YPSA’s Migrants Rights to Information and Services project organized rally and discussion meeting on International Migrants Day 2012 at Sitakund. Migrant Rights’ Protection Committee members participated in the program.

International Migrants Day 2012 observed in Chittagong
Department of Manpower and Employment, RAMRU, YPSA jointly organized rally, discussion meeting and information fair at Chittagong to mark the International Migrants Day 2012. Chittagong District Employment and Manpower Office assistant director Jahirul Alam…

YPSA observed International Migrants Day 2012 at Cox’sbazar
With the theme “We will go abroad complying with law, build our country bringing in remittances” YPSA, Cox’sbazar District Administration, Cox’sbazar District Employment & Manpower Office and Survivor Voice ANIRBAN Jointly…

Anti Tobacco Campaign arranged at Feni on victory day
On the occasion of Victory Day of Bangladesh, YPSA and Feni Himan Development Foundation (FHDF) arranged an Anti Tobacco Campaign at different places in Feni on 16 December. Stickers, handbills…

YPSA participated in the Climate Change Fair
YPSA participated in the Climate Change Fair organized by UTSA with the support of Concern Universal Bangladesh. The Fair was held at Zela Shilpa Kala Academy, Chittagong on 13th December…

Anti tobacco campaign held on Human rights day’ 12 in Chittagong
YPSA’s Smoke Free project organized an anti tobacco campaign on 10th December’12 on the occasion of Human Rights day’ 12 to highlight the non smoker rights with the support from…

YPSA observed World Human Rights Day 2012
YPSA and Survivor Voice Anirban jointly organized rally, human chain and signature campaign to mark the World Human Rights Day 2012 at Cox’sbazar on 10 December with the support of Winrock…

District level advocacy meeting on “Rights of Climate Displaced People” held in Feni
“Feni district mainly Sonagaji, and Fulgaji areas have been facing severe river erosion over the last few years. Government took initiative to rehabilitate the land less people here. Government officials…

U. S. Department of State team visited YPSA
The honorable Desk Officer, Mr. Ben Barry, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, U.S. Department of State and Mr. Asif Ayub, Economic and Commercial Specialist, American Embassy, Dhaka visited…

“Synchronized efforts, ignoring manipulation of political pressure and mass participation should be ensured”
“Many organizations implementing few biggest rehabilitation projects here in Nowkhali but some of them were not able to deliver their service properly. Synchronized efforts, ignoring manipulation of political pressure and mass…

Generation Justice featured a conversation with Mohammed Arifur Rahman broadcasted on KUNM FM 89.9
The Generation Justice featured a conversation with Md. Arifur Rahman, the Chief Executive with YPSA in Bangladesh broadcasted on KUNM FM 89.9 a New Mexico’s Community Powered Public Radio. Mr. Rahman visited with Generation Justice Youth Producers…

Meeting on “Rights of Climate Displaced People” held in Laxmipur District.
“Transparency and distribution of Khash land (government owned land) among the landless people without any kind of influence should be ensured. Livelihood and other basic needs and rights have to…

Meeting on “Rights of Climate Displaced People” held in Chandpur District
YPSA and Chandpur Community Development Sangstha (CCDS) jointly organized advocacy meeting with the NGOs and Civil Society group working for Climate Displaced People under YPSA’s Housing Land and Property Rights Initiative project at Rotary…