Tuberculosis is still considered as major public health problem in Bangladesh. Bangladesh ranks 6th on the list of the 22 high TB burden countries according to the World Health Organization’s report. The National TB Control Programme in collaboration with its partner NGO’s is implementing internationally recommended the Directly Observed Treatment (DOTS) strategy since 1993. Overall goal of TB control is to reduce morbidity, mortality, and transmission of TB until it is no longer a public health program. And objectives of National TB control are:
- To sustain the global targets of achieving at least 70% case detection and 85% treatment success among smear –positive TB cases under DOTS for the country as a whole.
- Reach the interim target of halving the TV death and TB prevalence rates by 2010 towards achieving a reduction of incidence of TB as stated under the MDGs by 2015.
YPSA has been working to strengthen the TB control efforts and achieve the targets of NTP since 2010 as partner of BRAC under the support of GFATM, Major activities of YPSA TB control program are graduate doctor orientation, orientation for small hospital and private clinic, orientation for non graduate private practitioner, orientation for factories and folk song for community people.
In quarter … of round 10 YPSATB Control program has conducted two orientation for graduate PP, four orientation program for factory workers, two orientation program small clinic and private hospitals and a one for Non graduate private practitioner.