Besides government, NGOs have been working broadly in the hard to reach areas of the country for its socio-economic development. If a collaborative effort of all people meets then any difficult task can be performed. PKSF with the partner’s organizations have been working together to include people of remote hilly areas into mainstream development. Said Dr. Md. Jashim Uddin, Deputy Managing Director, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) while he was visiting YPSA’s working area in Khagrachari and Panchari Upazila (Chittagong Hill Tract) on 23 July 2016.
He visits different project activities like yard meeting, sanitary latrine installation, rehabilitation program, Child Learning Center and youth club and attends discussion meeting with local community.
Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive of YPSA; Jahirul Alam, Executive Director of IDF, Md. Manzur Murshed Chowdhury, Director (ED) of YPSA, Md. Jashim Uddin, focal person (YPSA-CHT) and Enamul Hoq Shanto, Area Manager, YPSA were present during his visit and delivered their speech in the discussion meeting.