Mr. Dr. M Ziya Uddin, HIV/AIDS Specialist & Ms. Smirti Biswas, United Nations Volunteer of UNICEF visited the YPSA’s ”Strengthening Health and other Opportunities for Vulnerable Adolescent” (SHOVA) project at Dhaka on 23 August 2016.
During the visit they meet with adolescent female sex worker group and discuss their risks and endeavor to understand their knowledge level on HIV / AIDS, STI, Condom promotion and other related issues. Mr. Ziya tries to understand their real needs and challenges through questions answer session with the adolescent group.

Dr. Ziya and Ms. Biswas also met with the staffs of SHOVA project, Ms. Lipi, Centre Manager of SHOVA project presented the project status and some raising issues which they facing from the field. UNICEF team review the project plan and activities and gave their opinion, feedback and recommendations for the betterment of the project. The team was showing their contentment after the discussions with adolescent group and project team. Mr. Nazmul Haider, Program Manager and focal person of YPSA Dhaka office led the YPSA team during this visit.