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Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is an organization for sustainable development and NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

Ensure maternal and child health care access in hard-to-rich areas – Chairman of Khagrachari District Council

district level inception workshop on ‘Strengthening Health Outcomes for Women and Children’ (SHOW) Project’

Raising more awareness on maternal and child health care access among the people in hard-to-rich areas, maternal and infant mortality can be reduced significantly. Beside this health care service, education program should be continued and even expanded in the remote hilly areas simultaneously to get the measurable outcome. Said Kangjari Chowdhury, Chairman of Khagrachari District Council while he was present as chief gust in a district level inception workshop on ‘Strengthening Health Outcomes for Women and Children’ (SHOW) Project’ held at District Council conference hall on March 30, 2017.

SHOW project is funded by Global Affairs, Canada with the technical support of Plan International, Bangladesh.

Dr. Abdus Salam, Civil Sergeon of Khgrachari presided over the meeting and Md. Mahabubur Rahman, Director (Social Development) of YPSA delivered his welcome speech. The activities of the project presented by the Md. Habibur Rahman, Technical Officer of SHOW project. In the key note presentation, it was highlighted that this project is implementing 5 unions of the Panchari upazila and working for ensuring regular health services to pregnant, adolescent, young women, newborns and children under 5 years of age.

District Level Workshop

In the inception meeting, Abdul Jabbar, member of Khagrachari district council; Satis Chandra Chakma, Khagrachari district council; Ratna Tanchangya; Panchari upazila women vice chairman; Dr. Ashutosh Chakma, In charge of Khagrachari Mother and Child Care Centre; Dr. Sanjib Tripura, Panchari upazila health and family welfair officer; Madhabi Barua, district women welfare officer; Pratuttar Chakma, Chairman of Logang Union Parishad Chairman; Kalachand Chakma, Chairman of Chengi Union Parishad; Kiran Tripura, Chairman of Latiban Union Pairhshad; Md. Nazir Hossain, Chakma of Panchari Sadar Union Parishad; Jiten Barua, president of Panchari upazila press club; journalist Jahurul Islam; Mawlana ABul Bashar, Imam of Panchari Jama Masque; Md. Jashim project manager of YPSA-SHOW project  delivered their speech during the open discussion about the theme of SHOW project activities. Abdul Halim and Nipa Talukder, Field Coordinator of YPSA SHOW project facilitated the inception meeting.

Dr. Abdus Salam, Khagrachari district civil surgeon said, there are less awareness on maternal health facilities in the remote area of Khagrachari. As a result we could not reduce the death rate of pregnant women. So, we should ensure sound health services to the poor women and children in the rural community with the support of YPSA‘s awareness program.