YPSA and its volunteers arranged different events to mark the International Volunteer Day 2019 in Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar on 05 December. Rallies, Discussion meetings, Arts Competition and Blood Donation/Grouping Campaign were organized at different working areas of YPSA. YPSA’s volunteers involved the community leaders, youth, CSO/CBO, LGIs, media and civil society representatives in the day observation. About 350 participants participated in these programs. Most of the participants were marginalized and excluded groups.

The theme of International Volunteer Day 2019 is “Volunteer for an inclusive future” which is more appropriate, effective and practical for local, national and global perspectives. Currently, there are about eight hundred volunteers (national and international) are working with YPSA for bringing society’s sustainable development.

In Rangunia, Chattogram, YPSA Youth Volunteers brought out a colorful rally. After the rally, a discussion meeting was held on the background and importance of International Volunteer Day.

Another discussion meeting was held at YPSA-Head Office, Chattogram on the occasion of the day. The meeting was moderated by Md. Abdus Sabur, Youth Focal, YPSA. Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive, YPSA was present as keynote speaker at discussion meeting. Others seniors staffs of YPSA including Mr. Palash Chowdhury, Director (Finance), Mr. Manzur Murshed Chowdhury, Director (Economic Development), Nasim Banu, Deputy Director (Social Development) were present in the discussion meeting. At the discussion meeting, YPSA’s senior staffs elaborate the importance of recognition of volunteer works as well as ensure the inclusiveness.
At the discussion meeting, Chief Executive of YPSA Md. Arifur Rahman said, YPSA was formed in 1985 with the spirit of volunteerism. The volunteer day aimed at promoting volunteerism, encourage governments to support volunteer efforts and recognize volunteer’s contributions to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at local, national and international levels. He emphasized the importance of inclusiveness and accessibility. He also suggested on working more for an inclusive society and digitization. He call to prepare for forth industrial revolution. On that journey the volunteerism can play a pivotal role. Aftermath,the volunteerism strengthen the solidarity and ensure inclusion.

In Cox’s Bazar, YPSA-Active Citizen Youth Volunteers arranged rally, art competition, tree plantation and free blood grouping test at the front of Central Shaid Minar, Cox’s Bazar and Eidgaon Union, Sadar, Cox’s Bazar respectively. These events were successful, volunteers can engage community, youth and leaders and they can able to present the importance of volunteerism and recognition of their work.