Closing workshop of WISH2ACTION (Women’s Integrated Sexual Health Project) was held on 18 , July 2021. The project has been implemented by YPSA and supported by Handicap International (Human & Inclusive). The Project Closing Workshop took place at the Bir Muktijoddha A.K.M Mafizur Rahman Auditorium, YPSA-HRDC, Sitakund, Chattogram, Bangladesh. Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Md. Shahadat Hossain was present as chief guest in the workshop.
Dr. Esrat Jahan, Project Coordinator, Handicap International (Humanity & Inclusion) has delivered complimentary speech. Md. Tareq Mahmud (Project Manager) shared project update with the audience. Md. Morshed Chowdhury, Director (Economic Development), YPSA has given closing speech in the workshop.
Dr. Md. Nur Uddin (UH&FPO), Ziaul Quader (UFPO), Lutfun Nesa Begum (USWO) and other Cluster management committee members, Upazila Chairmen and Union Chairmen were also present. Rozina Akter, Project Coordinator, YPSA-WISH2ACTION conducted the project closing Workshop.