Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive, YPSA visited different interventions of Education program in Rohingya Camp on 17 November’2022. Dr. Shamsun Nahar Chowdhury Lopa, a prominent educationist and social researcher, accompanied him on this visit.
Firstly, he visited the learning centers Diamond-1 & 2 at Camp-4, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar. These centers are supported by Education in Emergency Program (EiE). There are about 100 learning centers of YPSA which was funded by Save the Children. He observed the Teaching-Learning Process in Myanmar Curriculum in Grade-1 & 2 and enjoyed different Co-Curricular activities with the Learners.

The Project Coordinator of YPSA Education in Emergency (EiE), SK Obaidul Hoque Shamim briefed the intervention and recent Myanmar Curriculum integration as well as Md. Masudar Rahman-Program Coordinator-YPSA-ECW (Education Cannot Wait), also briefed the SCI Supported Education Cannot Wait Project updates.
After visiting the field, he visited the newly set up Education and Child Protection Project’s Office at Ukhiya and join a staff coordination meeting. The Chief Executive was received with flowers by these projects staffs.
This coordination meeting is attended by the seniors from other Rohingya response project apart Education Program. Among them, YPSA Head of Rohingya Response Program Md. Shahidul Islam and Coordinator Jisu Barua were present. The coordination meeting was facilitated by Abdus Sabur, Focal Person Education Program, Rohingya Response.
The project leaders discussed the achievements, results and challenges of their project in the meeting. At the end of the meeting, Chief Executive, YPSA thanked to all for their best performance and completing assigned task on time. He also shared the growing up story of YPSA and the journey of the Education Project in the Rohingya Response. He said that said that in this era of localization, YPSA has a lot of opportunity. If we do well there then more work scopes will be created. Finally, he urged everyone to do quality work and keeping in mind the organization vision mission and values.