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Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is an organization for sustainable development and NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

Author: shakir

Rally on Asia Reflect Day at Sitakund

Asia Reflect Day observed

Guliakhali and Bhuiyan Para knowledge center organized rally and discussion meeting with the support of YPSA and Actionaid Bangladesh to observe Asia Reflect Day at Sitakund on 24 April. 

Global Action Week 2013

Global Action Week 2013 observed

With the theme “Every Child needs a Teacher” YPSA arranged instant speech contest for the children at  Guliakhali Shishu Mela premises, Sitakund on 25 April to mark the Global Action…

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Additional Police Supper of Cox’sbazar District Mr. Babul Akhter was present as chief guest in the meeting

Critical engagement meeting on human trafficking held in Cox’sbazar

YPSA with the support of Winrock International and USAID organized a Critical Engagement Meeting on human trafficking with the Law enforcement authority, Govt. officials, Journalists and Civil Society at Cox’sbazar on 29 April 2013….

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Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2

Community volunteers recieved training on production development

Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2 organized a two-day training workshop on production development for the community volunteers at YPSA HRDC Campus, Sitakund on April 25, 2013 with the support of…

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Baraydala National park co-management council assembly

Baraydala National park co-management council formed

Baraydala National park co-management council was formed by YPSA’s climate change related project “Restoration and Conservation of biodiversity in the denuded hills in Sitakunda and Mirsharai”. Assembly of this council…

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YPSA celebrated World Malaria Day 2013

World Malaria Day 2013 celebrated

YPSA organized rally and discussion meeting at Upazila Health Complex, Rangunia to mark the World Malaria Day 2013 with the theme “Invest in the future. Defeat malaria”. Dr. Harun Ur…

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Interview of Arifur Rahman taken by Generation Justice

Eisenhower Fellow Mohammed Arifur Rahman joins Generation Justice Youth Producers to talk about the founding of YPSA in Bangladesh. In this video, Rahman talks about YPSA and then answers questions from…

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Training workshop at Shanta Niloy Shelter Home organized by YPSA

Human rights training for the trafficking survivors held at Cox’sbazar

YPSA organized a Two-day Human Rights Training workshop at Shanta Niloy (Shelter Home), Cox’sbazar during 16-17 April 2013 with the support of Winrock International and USAID. A total of 17 trafficking survivors from…

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YPSA observed World Autism Awareness Day 2013.

World Autism Awareness Day 2013 observed

Federation of DPOs, with the support of YPSA and ActionAid Bangladesh, organized discussion meeting at YPSA HRDC, Sitakund to mark the World Autism Awareness Day 2013.


FGD for the 4th Strategic Plan of Action for combating trafficking project held

YPSA arranged FGD for the 4th Strategic Plan of Action for combating trafficking project supported by Winrock International and USAID at Cox’sbazar. 17 beneficiaries of different programs of YPSA Cox’sbazar field area participated in…

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YPSA formed human chain demanding smoke free Feni Pouroshova on Independence day

Human chain formed demanding smoke free Feni Pouroshova

YPSA and Feni Development Foundation jointly formed human chain demanding smoke free Feni Pouroshova on Independence day.

Meeting titled ' Tobacco Control and Tax increase' held in CTG

Speakers demanded to uphold FCTC and increase tax on tobacco products

A meeting titled as  ‘ Tobacco Control and Tax increase’ held on 28th March 2013 in a restaurant in Chittagong organized by YPSA and Supported by CTFK. The meeting was presided over…

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Inauguration of the anniversary of Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2

First anniversary of Radio Sagor Giri FM celebrated

Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2 celebrated its first founding anniversary at YPSA HRDC, Sitakund campus on 24 March 2013. Mr. Muhammad Shahin Imran, UNO of Sitakund cut a cake to…

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Training on “Organization development and management” held

YPSA organized a two-day training workshop “Organization development and management” for the forest dependent people’s organization at YPSA HRDC Sitakund campus. Mr. MD. Shahin Imran, UNO of Sitakund was present…

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Opening of three-day training workshop on Physiotherapy

Training on Physiotherapy facilitated by IKKI IKKI ASIA, JAPAN held at Sitakund.

IKKI IKKI ASIA, JAPAN and YPSA Jointly organized a three-day training workshop on Physiotherapy at YPSA Human Resource Development Center (HRDC) Sitakund campus on 16 March 2013. Physiotherapist team from…

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Divisional workshop “Post 2015 Development Agenda” held

Planning Commission of Bangladesh Government, PKSF, United Nation and YPSA jointly organized divisional workshop titled “Post 2015 Development Agenda” at Hotel Saint Martine, Chittagong on 9 March 2012.  City mayor…

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YPSA observed International Women’s Day 2013

YPSA and Sitakund Upazilla Women’s Affairs office jointly organized rally, discussion meeting and essay competition on women empowerment at Sitakund Upazilla Auditorium on 8 March to mark the International Women’s…

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BCC orientation to prevent Malaria

BCC orientation to prevent Malaria

YPSA organized BCC orientation workshop on raising awareness to prevent Malaria at Islampur Union Parishad Office, Rangunia on 27 February.

A journey to Sitakund

A short documentary film on Sitakund, a sub-district of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

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Anti tobacco sticker campaign on International Mother Language Day 2013

A group of young volunteers formed a forum “Dhumpan Mukto Projonmo (Smoke free new generation)” with the support of YPSA. The forum organized a Sticker Campaign at a book fair,…

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