News Category: Environment and Climate Change

YPSA team at UN Climate Change Conference COP21 in Paris
YPSA team comprised Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive of YPSA and Mr.Vashkar Bhattacharjee, Program Manager of YPSA and GAATES Country Representative in Bangladesh officially accredited by the United Nations to…

National consultation workshop “Growth and Climate Change: Opportunities and Challenges in Bangladesh” held
European Union EU, BRAC and BRAC University organized a national consultation workshop “Growth and Climate Change: Opportunities and Challenges in Bangladesh” at The Westin Hotel, Dhaka on 27th October15. Chief…

National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiatives (NARRI) consortium visits YPSA
National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiatives (NARRI) Consortium Manager (RESPONSE Project) Mr. Iqbal Hossain visited Oxfam-YPSA field on 05 September 2015. During his visit, he cross checked beneficiaries…

Orientation to Lawyers on Climate Displacement held
YPSA and Lawyers’ Initiative for Displacement Solutions (LIDS) jointly organized an orientation program for lawyers on Climate Displacement issue at Hotel Heritage, Chittagong on 9th July, 2015. A new publication…

Nansen Initiative Regional Consultation in South Asia held in Khulna
More than 90 participants representing governments of seventeen countries from South Asia and the Indian Ocean region including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal, and Sri Lanka as well…

Grants Handover Ceremony for the Forest Dependent Communities held
YPSA has successfully completed 1st installment of Grants Handover Ceremony for the Forest Dependent Communities on 15 March’ 2015 at YPSA HRDC, Chittagong. The program was jointly organized by YPSA…

Comprehensive Policy is Needed for Protection the Rights of Climate Displaced Peoples
A comprehensive Climate Change Policy is now demand of time, which can cover all climate changes issues including the rights of climate displaced peoples of Bangladesh. I, myself, will take…

World Environment Day’ 14 observed
Baraiyadala National Park Committee organized rally and discussion meeting with the support of YPSA, Department of Forest (Chittagong North) and Upazila Administration at Mirsharai to mark the World Environment Day…

Human chain formed demanding reconstruction of Banshbaria Dam
Demanding reconstruction of Banshbaria Dam, representatives from 20 local organizations and members of Youth Leaders Forum (YPSA-Leadership Development Program) joined their hands to form a human chain along Dhaka-Chittagong Highway…

Require integrated approach for rehabilitation of climate displaced people
Rehabilitation of climate displaced persons by the government and non-government sectors are, to date, insignificant in terms of the total number of displaced persons. Importantly, livelihood problems remain after the…

Consultation Meeting with Stakeholders of Cox’s Bazar on Climate Displacement held
“Cox’s Bazar city is now full of climate displaced peoples came from different vulnerable Upazilas of the Cox’sbazar district as well as different districts of the country. Their rights of…

Forest dependent people received 20 million Taka from YPSA-BSRM Khet Khamar Project
2 groups of forest dependent people in Mirsharai Upazila received 20 million Taka (10 million each group) from YPSA-BSRM Khet Khamar Project at the office of Upazila Nirbahi Officer on…

Discussion meeting with media representative on climate displacement held
YPSA organized discussion meeting with leading media representatives from print, online and electronic media for raising mass awareness on climate displacement issues held at Pitstop restaurant of Chittagong on 10…

Coastal Kids art competition on climate displaced peoples held
YPSA and William Carey Academy, Chittagong jointly organized “Coastal Kids Art Competition” with the support of Coastal Kids Project of Displacement Solutions on January 22, 2014. Students of class five…

Advocacy Meeting with stakeholders on climate displacement issues held at Mirsarai
Peoples of Mirsarai coastal area frequently suffered by river erosion, salinity intrusion, arsenic water contamination and strong tidal surges. There were 20 km long mangrove forest along the embankment to…

Orientation workshop for strengthening capacity of the School Management Committees held
“Strengthening capacity of the School Management Committees would help them to integrate their roles for assuring sustainable option of safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion” speaker said in a two-day…

Forest dependent people of Mirsarai Upazila receive donation
Forest dependent people of Mirsarai Upazila received donation of 350000 Taka from YPSA and Arannayk Foundation in an occasion held at the office of Mirsarai Upazila Nirbahi Officer on 30…

Construction work of water and sanitation facility for the Abdul Bari Government Primary School started
Construction work of water and sanitation facility for the Abdul Bari Government Primary School has been inaugurated by Mr. Mohammad Taiyab, 18 East Bakolia Ward Commissioner of Chittagong City Corporation…

Climate Change Adaption by Ensuring Water and Sanitation Facility in Cyclone Shelter project inaugurated
YPSA is implementing a project “Climate Change Adaption by Ensuring Water and Sanitation Facility in Cyclone Shelter” funded by Every Drop Matters (EDM), a partnership between the United Nations Development…

One to one advocacy for ensuring housing land and property rights of climate displaced people held
One to one advocacy with the local government and influential persons for ensuring housing land and property rights of climate displaced people held in Sandwip (An island near Chittagong). YPSA’s…