News Category: Human Rights

Kobi Gan staged to mark the International Volunteer Day
YPSA-We Can project staged Kobi Gan, a Bengali traditional musical program, to mark the International Volunteer Day 2010 on December 5 at Banshkhali Upazila. Theme of this year was “Volunteering…

YPSA observed International Disability Day 10
Federation of DPOs, Sitakund organized Rally and discussion meeting at Sitakund to mark the “19th International Disability Day 2010” on 3rd December at Sitakund Upazilla Auditorium Hall with the support…

Meeting on “Disable friendly Information and Communication Technology: Bangladesh Perspective” held
Jatio Trinomul Protibondhi Shanstha (National Grassroots Disability organization) with the support of Disability Rights Fund (DRF) organized meeting on “Disable friendly Information and Communication Technology: Bangladesh Perspective”on 13 Novemeber 2010…

Domestic violence can obstruct mental growth of children
Alliance to End Domestic Violation and YPSA jointly arranged a writing competition of Wall Newspaper themed on “Domestic violence can obstruct mental growth of children” at the Sitakund Girls High…

YPSA attended the International DAISY Technical Conference in New Delhi
YPSA attended the International DAISY Technical Conference for capacity building in developing countries for making information accessible to all including persons with print disabilities was organized & hosted by Saksham…

COP of Winrock International visited YPSA-ACT Program at Cox’sbazar.
Ms. Sara Piazzano, Chief of Party & Ms. Dipta Rakshit, Program Manager, Survivors Services of ACT (Actions for Combating Trafficking in Persons) Program of Winrock International visited YPSA-ACT Program during…

Project Sharing Workshop with the Employers of the Girl Domestic Workers
YPSA organized Project Sharing Workshop for the employers of the Girl Domestic Workers at ‘Anandalok’ Mehedibag Centre, Chittagong on 14 October. “The Project of Safer Life Girl Domestic Workers” supported…

YPSA Official received training on “ToT for Community Based Rehabilitation” from Bangkok
Md Ahsan Ullah Sharker (PWD), YPSA Official received training on “ToT for Community Based Rehabilitation” organized by Asia Pacific Development Centre on Disabilities during 18-30 September in Bangkok.

Meeting on ”Campaign for Democratic Decentralization of Local Self-Government”
YPSA, IED, Jonouddoag and Governance Coalition & Governance Advocay Forum jointly organized discussion meeting on ”Campaign for Democratic Decentralization of Local Self-Government” at Chittagong on 27 July.

YPSA provided Scholarship and loan support to the Human Trafficking Survivors at Hill-tracts
YPSA recently provided Scholarship and loan support to the Human Trafficking Survivors at Tongaziri Village at Lama Upazilla, Bandarban under Chittagong Hill Tracts. 16 indigenous children of Tongaziri Village were…

Vocational Training for Human Trafficking survivors at Cox’s Bazar held
YPSA with the support of Winrock International and USAID organized a 5-day Vocational Training on “Cow rearing and Farming for Human Trafficking survivors” at Ukhiya Upazilla of Cox’sbazar District. 10 Trafficking survivors of Ukhiya,…

Training workshop on “United Nations Convention on the Rights of Person with disabilities” ended
Federation of DPOs of Sitakund organized training workshop on “United Nations Convention on the Rights of Person with disabilities” at YPSA Sitahkund HRDC during 26-27 June supported by YPSA and…

Workshop on “Water logging in Sitakund and the solutions” held
Sitakund Upazilla Parishad organized workshop on “Water logging in Sitakund and the solutions” at Sitakund Upazilla Auditorium Hall on 24 June. Mr. Md. Abdullah Al Baker Bhuiyan, Upazilla Chairman, Sitakund…

1st anniversary program of Choto kamoldha Disable people organization
Choto kamoldha Disable people organization arranged 1st anniversary program support by YPSA in Choto kamoldha bazar under Mirshari Upazill on 25 May 2010. Mr. Masud President of Choto kamoldha Disable…

Citizen dialogue on “Decentralization of national budget: Expectations of people in Chittagong” held
YPSA, Unnayan Shangbadik Forum and Action Aid Bangladesh jointly arranged citizen dialogue titled “Decentralization of national budget: Expectations of people in Chittagong” at Chittagong on 22 May. “Chittagong is the…

National Disability Day 2010 observed
District Addministration and Social wealfare Office Cox’s Bazar organized rally and discussion meeting on National Disability Day 2010 with the support of YPSA.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination celebrated
YPSA, BITA and We Can Alliance to End Domestic Violence, Chittagong jointly celebrated the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2010 in Chittagong on 21 March. A colorful…

YPSA observed World Consumers Rights Day ’10 in Comilla
YPSA observed World Consumers Rights Day ’10 in Comilla on 15 March. YPSA, CAB, BLAST, UNITED PEOPLES TRUST, DISTRICT CONSUMER RIGHTS PROTECTION COMITTEE & CUSTOMER CLUB jointly organized a rally…

Orientation program on Actions to Combat Trafficking-in-Persons (ACT) Program at Cox’sbazar
YPSA has started Actions to Combat Trafficking-in-Persons (ACT) Program in Chittagong Division with the support of Winrock International & USAID. An orientation program on ACT program was held at District Commissioner Office…

Seminar on “Women’s Day and Women Empowerment: Bangladesh Perspective” held
“Male domination and subordination of women are the underlying tenants of the country’s social structure. Men have the economic control and therefore are the decision makers. Women’s lives are dominated…