News Category: Human Rights

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2013 observed
Federation of Disabled People Organization, Sitakund arranged a discussion meeting to mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, 2013 with the support of YPSA and Actionaid…

16 PWDs receive Entrepreneurs Development Training at Sitakund
16 people with disabilities including men and women from different areas of Sitakund Upazila attended a two-day training workshop on Entrepreneurs Development aimed to be self-employed and play important role…

Capacity building through vocational training can keep the floating children away from the life of crime.
YPSA with the support of HSBC Future First organized sharing meeting titled “The Situation of the vulnerable and floating children of Chittagong and Comilla City” on 23 November 2013 at…

23 rescued in Ctg while being trafficked to Malaysia: YPSA’s support for survivors
Police in a drive rescued 23 people while being trafficked to Malaysia in Khatiberhat area under Panchlaish police station of the city early Saturday. Shah Abdur Rauf, assistant commissioner of…

NASPD Chittagong committee election held
Association of Sports for the Persons with Disability (NASPD) Chittagong committee election held during its biannual general meeting at the Chittagong Society for Disabled(CSD) premises, Chittagong on 9 November 2013. Md. Mahabubur Rahman, Director(SD),…

YPSA observed International Day of Older Persons 2013
“Empowering older people, promoting lifelong physical health, social protection and age appropriate health care are all important. Policymakers need to pay much more attention to the importance of dementia as…

YPSA celebrated International Right to Know Day 2013
Radio Sagor Giri and Sitakund Press Club with the support of YPSA, BNNRC, Free Press Unlimited jointly organized a rally and discussion meeting on “Journalist role on implementation of Right…

International Right to know Day 2013 observed in Chittagong
Chittagong District Administration and non government organizations working in Chittagong jointly organized rally and discussion meeting at Circuit House Conference Hall, Chittagong on 28 September to mark the International Right…

Service Innovation Fund awarded to YPSA
Service Innovation Fund arranged by Access to Information (A2I) Program under Prime Minister’s Office awarded to YPSA for ‘production of multimedia digital talking book’. Mr. Vashkar Bhattacharjee, Program Manager, YPSA…

Training on “Empowering Youth with Disabilities through market driven ICT skills” launched
After winning the prestigious Competition named ‘Youth Solutions! Technology for Skills and Employment’, 2013, organized by The World Bank, Microsoft Sri Lanka and Sarvodaya-Fusion., Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is implementing the proposed…

Seminar on “Global Ageing and Need for Elderly care in Bangladesh” held
Seminar on “Global Ageing and Need for Elderly care in Bangladesh” held at YPSA HRDC, Chittagong campus on 27 August 2013 organized by YPSA. Dr. Hafiz T.A. Khan, Senior Lecturer…

Meet the press on “Involvement of Persons with disabilities (PWD) with the mainstream development through survey of PWDs”
YPSA with the support of Actionaid Bangladesh organized a meet the press on “Involvement of Persons with disabilities (PWD) with the mainstream development through survey of PWDs” at National Press…
Training opportunity: Technology for Skills and Employment for Youth with Disability
YPSA has recently won the prestigious Competition named ‘Youth Solutions! Technology for Skills and Employment’, 2013, organized by The World Bank, Microsoft Sri Lanka and Sarvodaya-Fusion. As a consequence, YPSA is going to implement…

Training workshop on “Grassroots Journalist Group” at Sitakund
YPSA organized a two-day training workshop on “Grassroots Journalist Group” at Sitakund during 28-29 June with the support of Actionaid Bangladesh. 15 students and guardians of sponsored child from different…

Critical engagement meeting to prevent human trafficking held at Feni
YPSA organized a Critical Engagement Meeting with the Law & Enforcement Authority, Govt. officials, Journalist & Civil Society at Feni on 22 June 2013. Representative from Police, RAB, BGB, NSI,…

Food distribution among the persons with disability at Sitakund
YPSA with the support of Plan Bangladesh distributed food and safe drinking water among 400 persons with disability at YPSA-HRDC Sitakund on 24 June 2013. Mr. Muhammed Shahin Imran, Upazila…

Sewing machine distribution among the small-scale female entrepreneurs
YPSA distributed sewing machine among the small-scale female entrepreneurs at Banskhali, Chittagong ensuring women’s full participation in mainstream economic activities. Mr. Shabbir Iqbal, Upazila Nirbahi Officer inaugurated the distribution program….

Training workshop on “Human Trafficking Prevention and Protection Bill 2012” held
YPSA organized capacity development training workshop on “Human Trafficking Prevention and Protection Bill 2012” and “National Plan of Action for Combating Human Trafficking 2012-2014” at YPSA-HRDC Chittagong with the support…

Human chain demanding Pro-Poor and Participatory District Budget
Democratic Budget Movement formed a human chain demanding Pro-Poor, decentralized and Participatory District Budget for reflecting the hopes and aspirations of the people in general; on June 6, 2013 in front of…

Training workshop on “How to make shopping bag manually”
YPSA with the support of Actionaid Bangladesh organized a two-day training workshop on “How to make shopping bag and paper bag manually” to provide livelihood opportunity for the poor women…