News Category: Human Rights
Citizen dialogue on “Decentralization of national budget: Expectations of people in Chittagong” held
YPSA, Unnayan Shangbadik Forum and Action Aid Bangladesh jointly arranged citizen dialogue titled “Decentralization of national budget: Expectations of people in Chittagong” at Chittagong on 22 May. “Chittagong is the…
National Disability Day 2010 observed
District Addministration and Social wealfare Office Cox’s Bazar organized rally and discussion meeting on National Disability Day 2010 with the support of YPSA.
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination celebrated
YPSA, BITA and We Can Alliance to End Domestic Violence, Chittagong jointly celebrated the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2010 in Chittagong on 21 March. A colorful…
YPSA observed World Consumers Rights Day ’10 in Comilla
YPSA observed World Consumers Rights Day ’10 in Comilla on 15 March. YPSA, CAB, BLAST, UNITED PEOPLES TRUST, DISTRICT CONSUMER RIGHTS PROTECTION COMITTEE & CUSTOMER CLUB jointly organized a rally…
Orientation program on Actions to Combat Trafficking-in-Persons (ACT) Program at Cox’sbazar
YPSA has started Actions to Combat Trafficking-in-Persons (ACT) Program in Chittagong Division with the support of Winrock International & USAID. An orientation program on ACT program was held at District Commissioner Office…
Seminar on “Women’s Day and Women Empowerment: Bangladesh Perspective” held
“Male domination and subordination of women are the underlying tenants of the country’s social structure. Men have the economic control and therefore are the decision makers. Women’s lives are dominated…
Chittagong Change Makers Convention 2010′ held
Paribarik Nirjaton Protirodh Jote (Alliance to End Domestic Violence against Women) and YPSA jointly organized Change Makers Convention 2010′ at Sitakund on 9 March. Abdullah Al Baker Bhuiyan, Chairman of…
Direct election should be arranged for the reserved seats for women
Direct election should be arranged for the reserved seats for women at the national parliament. Government should undertake necessary measures to execute the CEDAW to end discrimination against women in all forms….
Internship program for the students of Asian University for Women Inaugurated
Inauguration ceremony of internship program for the students of Asian University for Women (AUW) was held at YPSA on 2 March. In first batch a total of 18 students of…
Blind Cricket match held at Chittagong
Chittagong Blind Cricket Club (CBCC) and Bangladesh Blind Cricket Council (BBCC) jointly organized T-20 Cricket match during 26-27 February ’10 at Chittagong Outer Stadium (MA Aziz Stadium). CBCC and Dhaka…
YPSA and Young Journalist Change Maker jointly observed International Mother Language Day
YPSA and Young Journalist Change makers Forum (YJCF) jointly observed International Mother Language Day 2010 in Chittagong. A colorful Rally was begun from Nazrul Square and ended at Central Shahid…
Workshop on finalizing the draft Law for the Persons with Disabilities
Vashkar Bhattacharjee, YPSA official joint the workshop in Meherpur to finalize the draft Law for the Persons with Disabilities during 19-20 February. The NFOWD and Parliamentarians’ Caucus on Disability joinly…
Election for the Coordination Committee of 40 Self-help organizations for Persons with Disability held at Sitakund.
Babul Nath, President of Moholanga Self-help organization and Shafiq Chowdhury, President of Kumadan Para Self-help organization have been elected general secretary of Coordination Committee of 40 Self-help organizations respectively. The…
Citizen Rights Fair held in Dhaka
YPSA participated in the Nagorik Adhikar Mela (Citizen Rights Fair) at shilpa kala Academy, Dhaka on 22 January. YPSA set a stall at the fair with the demonstration of its…
Discussion session on “The Success story of homecoming migrants” held
The Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) organized a discussion session on “The Success story of homecoming migrants” at YPSA-HRDC, Sitakund on 12 January with the support of ILO…
Workshop on disability issues
YPSA organized a two day workshop on disability issues for the member of College Disability Friendly Committee, Students of Bijoy Sharani Degree College, at Sitakund during 29-30 December with the…
3rd Convention of Self-help organizations held
3rd Convention of Self-help organizations of people with disabilities was held at Sitakund with the support of YPSA and Aciton Aid Bangladesh. About thousands of people incuding 800 persons with…
YPSA observed International Migration Day
YPSA observed International Migration Day ’09 at Comilla on 18 December. YPSA, IOM and District Employment and Man Power Office jointly organized Rally, Discussion meeting and cultural program. Pronob Kumar…
World Human Rights Day 09 observed
ADAB and YPSA jointly organized Rally and Human chain on occasion of World Human Rights Day 09 at the premises of Chittagong Press Club on 10 December.
YPSA observed Begum Rokeya Day 09
YPSA observed Begum Rokeya Day 09 at Chittagong on 9 December. Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hussain, a Muslim feminist, writer and social reformer who lived in British India, in what is…