News Category: Youth

YPSA-CEVEC Project M&E Training held at Cox’s Bazar
Community Engagement in countering violent extremism in Cox’s Bazar (CEVEC) is an innovative project of YPSA that aim to eradicate extremism in Cox’s Bazar district. The project started on 26th…

YPSA and CU joint initiative to introduce first Inclusive Public University in Bangladesh
A Progress Sharing Meeting was held with Vice-Chancellor of University of Chittagong Professor Dr. Iftekhar Uddin Chowdhury and Professor Dr. Mohammed Kamrul Huda, Registrar, University of Chittagong about the joint…

YPSA-CEVEC Project Yearly Review Meeting held at Cox’s Bazar
Community Engagement in countering violent extremism in Cox’s Bazar (CEVEC) is an innovative project of YPSA that aim to eradicate extremism in Cox’s Bazar district. The project started on 26th…

Roundtable meeting on “The role of civil society in curving violent extremism” held
YPSA Community Engagement in Countering Violent Extremism in Cox’s Bazar (CEVEC) Consortium organized a Roundtable meeting on “The role of civil society in curving Violent and Extremism” which was held at…

A 3-day Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop on Life Skill Education ends in Cox’sbazar
A 3-day Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop on Life Skill Education ended on December 20, 2016 at PHALS Training Center, Cox’sbazar which was organized by YPSA Consortium under the project…

Pledge on victory day: Make society free from violent extremism
A signature campaign on “Pledge on victory day: Make society free from violent extremism” was arranged with the participation of the members of youth groups in 75 places at different…

Inaugural Ceremony of “YES center-Youth Empowerment through Skills” held at Ramu, Cox’s Bazar
Youth is the hope of the Nation for the future and they are the most energetic and productive segment of the total population. A vast majority of this section unfortunately remains…

YPSA Leadership Development Program
A short video documentary on YPSA Leadership Development Program

UNICEF visits YPSA SHOVA Project
Mr. Dr. M Ziya Uddin, HIV/AIDS Specialist & Ms. Smirti Biswas, United Nations Volunteer of UNICEF visited the YPSA’s ”Strengthening Health and other Opportunities for Vulnerable Adolescent” (SHOVA) project at Dhaka…

Development continues in hard to reach areas of Chittagong Hill Tract
Besides government, NGOs have been working broadly in the hard to reach areas of the country for its socio-economic development. If a collaborative effort of all people meets then any…

HSBC and YPSA organise Inter School Debate Competition on ‘World Environment Day’
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) Bangladesh and its’ implementation partner Young Power In Social Action (YPSA) organised a Inter School Debate Competition on ‘World Environment Day 2016’…

Digital Talking Books handover and Android phone distribution ceremony held at University of Chittagong
YPSA’s ICT & Resource Center on Disability (IRCD) arranged Digital Talking Books handover and Android phone distribution ceremony at the University of Chittagong on March 6, 2016. Vice-Chancellor of the…

Youth Leading Change
A documentary film on youth leadership (Case study of Mina, a youth activist in Sitakund, Bangladesh)

International Youth Leadership Camp 2016 held in Dhaka
International Youth Leadership Camp 2016. It is a 3 day long Camp from 1-3 February, 2016 in Sheikh Hasina National Youth Center, Savar , Dhaka. YPSA is one of the…

Leaders Convention held at 17 Unions and 3 Upazila
YPSA-Leadership Development Program organized 17 Unions and 3 Upzila Level Leaders Convention in Sitakund and Mirsarai upazila of Chittagong district and Ramu Upazila of Cox’s Bazar district during the month…

National Dialogue on “Development of Social Leadership at Local Level & Sustainable Development” held
“The country is moving forward. Despite many obstacles, our national GDP is around 6.5%. I think the growth will increase to 7 near future. Problems remain in the society, but the…

Round table meeting with Daily Prothom Alo held
Honesty is essential to a leader’s legitimacy, credibility, and ability to develop trust with followers. The society will be advanced with the proper guidance of hardworking and intelligence leaders by…

YPSA provides ICT training to 210 youth leaders in Ramu, Siakund and Mirsarai
YPSA’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) organized ICT training with the support of Counterpart International at three LDP working areas of Cox’s Bazar and Chittagong district. 210 youth leaders from Ramu,…

Sensitization Meeting on Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights for Young People held
YPSA organized a local level advocacy meeting with the GOs, NGOs and Civil Society under YPSA-Link up project at YPSA-HRDC, Chittagong on 30th December ’15 supported by Link up Bangladesh….

Experience Sharing and Award Giving ceremony of “Creating evidence at the grassroots for national level advocacy on leadership development”
“More than 60 thousand students are serving by the educational institutes of Chittagong City Corporation. Among them, YPSA selected 10 institutions from Chittagong District for the program. We expect YPSA…