PSA arranged orientation on disability survey at Upazilla conference room, Shahrasti in Chandpur on 17th December with support from Actionaid Bangladesh. Mr. Moajjem Hossain, UNO of Shahrasti upzilla was Chief Guest while Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive of YPSA presided program. 99 ward surveyors from different words and 11 Union Supervisors from Union Parishad of Shahrasti Upzilla participated in the orientation. An online database for the PWD’s will be developed after the completion of the survey as decided in the program. Mr. Rasheduzzam Chowdhury, Upzilla Social Welfare Officer, Mr. Nuruzzam Upzilla Project Implementation Officer, Mr. M.A.Awal majumder, Ex Principal and Chief of Shahrasti Community Police were present in the program.