YPSA observed International Women’s day 2012 jointly with the Department of Women & Children Affairs, other Govt departments & NGOs of Chittagong. Coordination Committee organized a procession from Chittagong Shilpokola Academy that is ended in Chittagong Shishu Academy . After the procession Discussion session was held in Shishu Academy Auditorium on the Theme “Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures”. Government Departments, NGO, civil society, and target population individuals attended the rally.
Honorable MP Ms.Hasina Mannan was the chief Guest of the discussion meeting that was chaired by Mr.Khaled Mamum Chowdhury, ADC,Ctg. Participants from YPSA’s Modhumita, We Can & SUPRO Projects attended the Rally & discussion session. YPSA’s Street Based Sex Workers project (Mdhumita ) supported by FHI360 also observed International Women’s Day with their beneficiaries at Shulokbohor Modhumita Center. CMT members, PM & Center managers spoke over the meeting on the theme of the day.