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Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is an organization for sustainable development and NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

Business Maintenance support to men and women who have escaped trafficking

Support for Business Maintenance of Ashshash Beneficiaries (for men and women who have escaped trafficking)

YPSA is implementing a pilot project on human trafficking named ASHSHASH (for men and women who have escaped trafficking) at Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar district. The project is funded by Swiss Development Corporation (SDC) and supported by International Organization for Migration (IOM). The project goal is to ensure the mainstreaming of 30 escaped trafficking survivors into their society with safe work and dignified Life.

Support for Business Maintenance of Ashshash BeneficiariesAshshash is a very unique project to reintegrate trafficking victims in the mainstream society. In the consequences of the project activities, Ashshash project is giving business maintenance support for its beneficiaries. At Chittagong & Cox’s Bazar, already 20 beneficiaries have got in-a-kinds support from this project. Those business instrument/materials has been handed over by the present of local MP, GO/NGOs representatives, local elite and local government to ensure the accountability of those businesses. By running those small enterprises, beneficiaries will develop their self-esteem as well as their earning for livelihood- that is the key essence of Ashshash project.

Support for Business Maintenance of Ashshash BeneficiariesIn Ashshash project, first and foremost work for YPSA was to select survivors from different 30 beneficiaries from different GO, NGO shelter home and different GO, NGO/INGO database which are related to migration as well as trafficking. Who earn less than USD 1.25/day or marginally earn above that & who are excluded or marginalized such as members of ethnic and religious minorities, divorced or widowed women, single mothers, differently -disabled people, abandoned elderly, etc. were got priority in this project. Transact Walk, Household Visit & Questionnaire Survey were the methodologies to select the project beneficiaries.

Support for Business Maintenance of Ashshash BeneficiariesAfter the selection process Ashshash beneficiaries were enrolled with 6 different vocational training at 4 different VTI (Vocational Training Institute). The trades were dress making and tailoring, motor cycle servicing, ac/refrigerator repairing, electrical maintenance, beautification, basic computer training. The institutions were, Bangladesh-Korea Technical Training Centre (BKTTC), Shaymoli Ideal Polytechnic Institute, Help Society, Mehedi Beauty Parlor & Training Centre, and Academy of Information Technology (AIT).

Beneficiaries have been given 3 months training on those 6 trades with accommodation, food & transportation support. After accomplishing the vocational training they were enrolled with trade related various business shops for on-job training to boost up their skill. Then the beneficiaries were encouraged to start a small business in their locality through business development training on small entrepreneurship and the project was promised to give support of 65000/- Taka for each and every business run by Ashshash beneficiaries.