YPSA distributed Android Smart Phones among visually impaired Students of different schools, colleges, and universities on 16th November 2019 at YPSA head office in Chittagong. YPSA believes that these devices will increase the ability of low-income school, college and university students with visual impairments or low vision to read the accessible materials made available by YPSA and other accessible publishers. All these devices were preloaded with relevant software which are needed for accessing accessible contents.
YPSA Chief Executive Md. Arifur Rahman was present as chief guest while Paris Representative of YPSA Rahmat Ullah Chowdhury Sujon was present as guest of honor at the ceremony. YPSA Chief Executive said, “This is undoubtedly an auspicious moment and I am proud that YPSA is able to undertake such an initiative. To all of you I want to give the same advice as Stephen Hawking gave, “concentrate on things your disability doesn’t prevent you doing well, and don’t regret the things it interferes with. Don’t be disabled in spirit as well as physically”. He also ensured that, “YPSA will be with you as always, and do not hesitate to come to YPSA regarding any matter”.

Vashkar Bhattacharjee, team Leader of YPSA-IRCD, while giving his speech said, “Having lived with a disability most of my life since my birth, I care passionately about the issues and challenges around disability and, in particular, about the issue of accessibility and ICT. I have dedicated my entire life for it. I dream of a fully accessible society, one in which disability rights are seen as basic human rights, and people with disabilities can live independent lives, with all the freedoms that the rest of the population take for granted, and I won’t stop until it’s done”.

After the distribution ceremony YPSA-IRCD officer Md. Rashed Ujjaman Chowdhury conducted a short orientation session on the use of android smart phone and relevant software.
Nevertheless, in the last few years, YPSA has distributed more than 500 android smart phones among selected low-income students with visual, print, and learning disabilities.