The Outcome Dissemination Meeting held on CORVI Risk Profile – A Holistic City based Assessment of the Climate Risk Facing in Chattogram held at YPSA Head Office. The Climate and Ocean Risk Vulnerability Index (CORVI) which was developed by the STIMSON Center, a decision support tool which compares a diverse range of risks, connected to climate risk, to produce a Coastal City Risk Profile. With this information decision makers can make climate smart investments to build resilience where it matters most.
The outcome presented by Mr. Santosh Kumar Rauniyar Ph.D, Research Fellow, Division of Ocean Policy Research, Ocean Policy Research Institute, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan, Mr. Emadul Islam, Ph.d, Reasearch Fellow, Division of Ocean Policy Research, Ocean Policy Research Institute and Ms. Natalie J. Fiertz, Research Associate, Environmental Security, STIMSON, USA.
The Meeting moderated by Professor Dr.Amir Mohammed Nasrullah of University of Chittagong. Beside that Ms. Lily Schlieman, Research Assistant, Environmental Security, STIMSON, USA also participated on behalf of CORVI Risk Profile team.
YPSA Chief Executive Md. Arifur Rahman and other senior Officials of YPSA’s different Department and Projects made their valuable opinion and committed to contributes to the enrich and implement the CORVI Risk Profile index.