News Category: Health

YPSA distributes insecticide-treated mosquito nets in Rangunia
“Besides the government, NGO’s role on women empowerment and development of health sectors are admirable. Malaria is a national crisis, particularly hillside dweller expose to malaria. Malaria can be controlled…

World Malaria Day 2013 celebrated
YPSA organized rally and discussion meeting at Upazila Health Complex, Rangunia to mark the World Malaria Day 2013 with the theme “Invest in the future. Defeat malaria”. Dr. Harun Ur…

BCC orientation to prevent Malaria
YPSA organized BCC orientation workshop on raising awareness to prevent Malaria at Islampur Union Parishad Office, Rangunia on 27 February.

YPSA organized workshop on malaria control and prevention
YPSA organized workshop on malaria control and prevention at Rangunia on 30 September’ 12.

Several orientation programs on Tuberculosis held
Tuberculosis is still considered as major public health problem in Bangladesh. Bangladesh ranks 6th on the list of the 22 high TB burden countries according to the World Health Organization’s report….

Insecticide-treated mosquito net distributed among the poor families in Rangunia to prevent Malaria
YPSA distributed insecticide-treated mosquito net among the 40 thousands poor families in Rangunia Upazilla in the year of 2008 and 2010 since the district is estimated as a Malaria Endemic…

Workshop for the peer educators on Adolecsent Reproductive Health
YPSA organized a two-day training workshop for the peer educators on Adolecsent Reproductive Health during 7-8 August, in HRDC sitakund.

Health Fair held in Sitakund
Climate Change & Health Promotion Unit (CCHPU), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare organized Health Fair at Sitakund Zilla Parishad Community Center on 18 June with the support YPSA. Dr….

YPSA observed World Health Day 2011
YPSA observed World Health Day 2011 with the Health Department at Coxs Bazar. On the day rally started from office of district commissioner. D.C. and Civil surgeon Dr. Kazal Kanti Barua lead…

PLAN Visit YPSA-ARH Project
Dr. Tahamina Mirza, Project Manager, Plan Bangladesh & Monika Denmoy, Program Manager, PLAN CANADA Visited YPSA’s Adolescent Reproductive Health Project during 27-28 November, 2010. On the first day, they attended a sharing…

Family Planning Service Week-2010 begun at Sitakund
Sitakund Upazila Health and Family Planning Office organized programs to mark the Family Planning Service Week-2010 with a call to strengthen the family Planning activities to keep the population growth…

Phase out and toolbox distribution meeting held at Moeshkhali Upazilla
Disaster Friendly Water & Sanitation Facilities in Cyclone center (DPE-WATSAN) project phase out and toolbox distribution meeting held at Moeshkhali upazilla auditorium on 27 October’10. Mr. Gazi Md. Mainuddin, YPSA…

Health Advisor of PLAN Visited YPSA-ARH Project
Dr. Selina Amin, Health Advisor of Plan Bangladesh visited YPSA-ARH Project (Adolescent Reproductive Health) during 20-22 July. Mr. Hasan Ali, Coordinator of ARH Project, Plan Bangladesh was present with the visitor. They…

Civil Surgeon of Cox’s Bazar Dr. Kazal Kanti Barua visited KOLLAYANI PRATHOMIK SASHTHA SEBA KENDRA on 8 June 2010. A meeting & checqe distribution ceremony organized at Rashidnagar, KOLLAYANI PRATHOMIK SASHTHA…

Workshop on Adolescent Reproductive Health for the teachers held
YPSA organized workshop on Adolescent Reproductive Health for the teachers at Sitakunda HRDC supported by the PLAN Bangladesh & CIDA on May 18. 16 teachers from 9 schools in Sitakunda…

Insecticide-treated mosquito net distributed to the poor families to prevent Malaria
As the Rangunia Upazila is estimated as High-risk Malaria Zone, YPSA distributed Insecticide-treated mosquito net to the 24 thousands poor families last year to prevent Malaria. Other 16 thousand poor…

World Tuberculosis Day 2010 observed
“On the Move against Tuberculosis, Innovate to Accelerate Action” On World TB Day 2010, YPSA and Coordination Committee have organized a procession in front of the Civi; Surgeon Office Chittagong …

YPSA observed World Water Day 2010
YPSA observed “World Water Day 2010. Rally and discussion meeting has been organized at Choto Darogahat under Sitakund Upazilla on 20 March in order to mark the day. Theme of…

Installation of water & sanitation facilities in cyclone shelter cum school at Cox’s Bazar
To ensure the water & sanitation facilities in cyclone shelter cum school during the disaster period YPSA is going to install the watsan facilities with support from Concern Universal- Bangladesh…

Training on “Bangladesh in Twenty first Century – National & Global development Issues” at Banskhali
Training on “Bangladesh in Twenty first Century – National & Global development Issues” at Boilchari, Banskhali under Chittagong district held during 13-14 February organized by YPSA with the support of…